Dosadi's failed experiment

It can’t. Burn it all down.

Amen! My Brother!

Needs more stars.

Truth. That last hoodie was reeaaallll ashy.

That is a fantastic idea!

I 100% agree with your Chris-mas-list. (hah!)

Trump is a Russian asset and I don’t know why this isn’t bigger news. So is Mitch McConnell and many other members of the republican party.

Now if only the rest of the national and local media would follow this example.

This was funny as hell. I call power over Dark Matter! Cause I am really good at holding other people’s shit together.

I think she is absolutely right and people need to MYOGDB (mind your own got-damned business)!

Congratulations. I think your initial article about VMI kicked these events off.

You need more stars.

You have captured the republican hypocrisy perfectly.

Same, graduated with 70K in debt, paid for over 20 years, have 35K left in debt. For the first 10 years the payments went nowhere.

This is the zombie apocalypse. Covid affects the brain and all they can do is hate and rage. Even when they don’t die, they don’t recover and shuffle around angrily, mindlessly trying to infect others. 

That is AH Mazing!

Thank you for being a voice for those of us who were silenced. The mixed messages boys and girls receive about sex and sexuality in our communities ensures that the silencing of black women will continue. Only in teaching our men and boys how to respect consent and teaching our young women and girls to have a voice

What in the actual fuck?! This is wholly unacceptable and just cosmically unjust!

I am sorry for your losses. Hugs.

I really like having a prison named after him. Good job!