Dosadi's failed experiment

Incel-rections have consequences.

McDonald's in Denmark pays the equivalent of $22 US hourly plus benefits  ... which is one of tge reasons those racist American First types don't want anyone curious about what goes on outside U.S. borders 

“co” in “collusion” suggest a parity between the parties. Trump has parity with a road apple when it comes to raw intellect.

The original said major kudos to teaching him fiscal responsibility. Given that this is basically a side shoot of a story about people playing the stock market I felt the clarification was warranted.

Eat the rich.

How long have these people owned these homes? I guess it makes a difference that these weren't meant to be year round homes, but septic tanks should be emptied every three years. Wouldn't these houses have less insulation, being summer homes? How much oil are they going through to keep these places warm? 

Not to be that person and at the risk of sounding pedantic, while it’s nice that she is teaching him about how the stock market works but this is not a lesson in fiscal responsibility. Fiscal responsibility is learning about debt, how it compounds, what happens when you take on too much of it, creating and sticking to

I just meant pay some random Deebo $500 to beat the shit out of Chad.

Pence and Mother were on the Indiana trash heap before the 2016 election. That’s why he was so hot to trot to jump on the TRumpTrain. He lost a ton of cash on a bad business deal so he had no choice but to be TRump’s Vice Bitch.

Imma guess Mother is against any sort of strappin’ that doesn’t involve punishment!

It all comes down to blood and fire. BURN IT!!

Cases like these just sucks the life right out of you! And you can’t help feeling rage because even when we’ve tried living apart from these people they’ve gone above and beyond to interfere with out right to exist.

It’s hard to give up the spotlight when you used to have a weekly spot on HBO.

Yes, they did. Good memory.  One of the first things on the Trump Sessions to-do list in 2017 was to get white nationalist domestic terrorists taken off the counter-terrorism watch list. 

Didn’t this administration also have white supremacists taken OFF the FBI terrorism watchlist?

OT - from my MSN home Page:

Because people would rather cling to a comforting lie than accept an unpleasant truth, and there are a lot of instances of this behavior in the US and abroad. It’s something people have to be educated and trained to *resist* before the truth and reality are held paramount, which is why the Republicans have been

They would vote for the pedophile, too.

Because they are white and they are trash, they would report on the goodness of a pedophile if the person was white but a black man selling cigarettes, lets talk about how society is failing.