Dosadi's failed experiment

The assignment tasked students with writing an essay about a possible “hero for the modern age,” and listed Rittenhouse alongside names such as Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, George Floyd and Malcolm X. Apparently, killing those fighting against systemic oppression is just as heroic as fighting systemic oppression.

This is my kind of war, where the only winner is my mouth!

What are poor people supposed to do? I thought this was the GOP-approved healthcare plan.

The pile of shady ass attorneys and also, the revolving door of legal representation kicked off almost immediately after he was in custody.

we have other alternatives to Obamacare that are 50% less expensive, and they’re actually better.

If we’re throwing blame around, the Kenosha police deserve some too. They actively and intentionally created the situation.

“I’ve dedicated my entire professional career to healing people,” and that’s the entire career you just used to bring down hate on Black people.

Dear Andrea Natale,

It must be in the dress code of the ones who want to make their coin cooning. I’ve seen Black women who are married to white men on YouTube whose natural hair is on point.

I actually know some things about this type of thing.

Fuck off troll cop-suckers. Criminals are committing crimes while criminal cops are out of control. Police spending is up, crime is up and cops are beating and killing citizens. American policing has failed in every way.

I just drove my son to the park, and not five minutes after my boy ran to the swings 2 cops, then 4 cops then suddenly 10 cops were there (and like magic a helicopter) with guns pointed at two Black boy/men (barely 20) in an SUV who were clearly afraid to move as cops shouted then cursed them to get out. My son did

In other Trump news, President Trump is convinced that the only explanation for Joe Biden’s newfound energy on the campaign trail is... drugs.

Don’t forget, Chauvin is also set to stand trial for fraud charges over where he got the funds for that lovely lake house of his. Of course he’s going to try to reduce his charges for this.

What the hell were two brand new rookie cops doing patrolling together unsupervised, anyway? What could possibly go wrong with that policy?

We have bears coming into a grocery store near me all the time. That is what they get for opening next to a gay bar, I guess. Good tippers though.

Here is what I don’t understand. Bob Woodward had already written a pretty scathing book about Trump. Why in Hell’s name would Trump agree to be interviewed, ON TAPE, by Woodward for a second book? ANNNNNND confess to covering up a major security and health crisis?