1 Fuck Bob Woodward, he’s a fucking hack who has been resting on his Watergate laurels for decades now.
1 Fuck Bob Woodward, he’s a fucking hack who has been resting on his Watergate laurels for decades now.
While I’m not going to defend Woodward’s actions, please do keep in mind that this is being used as a distraction to try and deflect attention from the fact that Trump knew what was coming, lied about it, and tens of thousands died that didn’t need to.
Bartender says “haven’t I spotted you in here before?”
Yes, a peace deal between two countries that don’t share a border and weren’t even at war, all to stabilize the Middle East while ignoring the Palestinians completely, hastily thrown together by an unqualified nepotistic ding-dong as a cover for a huge arms sale to the UAE to prop up the military contractors he claims…
Since at least Reagan the economic core of the Republican Party has been just this: that the role of the government in the economy is only to protect accumulated wealth and the ability to use accumulated wealth to gain more more wealth. That Democrats, for 40 years now, have failed to translate Republicans’…
Damn Americans Amerikkkans, they ruined America!
This is fair. Garbage food of questionable provenance should be cheap. That’s why we eat it, fast, cheap, and so full of salt and preservatives there’s no way it can taste bad. If the garbage food starts to cost almost the same amount as something that actually tastes good, then what’s the point of the garbage food…
Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!
The one thing I don’t envy Biden over is that it’s like a deep fracture in a brick wall. You can pour new shit over it and erase the crack from view, but the gap is still there. He’s going to have to govern like few people have governed before and he’s not going to have time to take breaks, even at the cost of his…
In other word, never. It’s been 50 years since the Civil Right marches.
Six fucking trials? How the fuck is that not prosecutorial misconduct?
“#CenterMassUntilThreatDrops #Jesus” .... He read a different version of the bible than I did.
There’s actually been a recent phenomenon of previously published books becoming bestsellers due to somehow being prescient in their relevance to our present crisis/crises, so this may be well be part of it, as people are seeking ways to process it all. Ijeoma Oluo (So You Want to Talk About Race), Ibram X. Kendi (How…
One of the moments in my life that I’ll never forget was meeting Octavia Butler in 1998 at Lunacon. I was an SF con vet by then, and it was the first and only time the guest of honor was someone who looked like me. I don’t remember what I said to her--I think it was incoherent, because I was so overwhelmed. I do…
But honey is mostly sugar, and agave nectar is just sugar.
Have these people... never made lemonade? From scratch? Because lemon water is great, but it ain’t lemonade. Who are these fools?
Wasting money so they can say anyone talking of defunding the police is ripping bullet proof vest off officers chest.
I said what I said. All of you guys need to step back and think about why you skipped past everything else he said and decided to come here to write this and die on this hill? Shifting focus is a strategy of discourse manipulation that I see far too much on this site.
Lets wait and see how that actually bears out once Hollywood is not under such an intense spotlight...