Dosadi's failed experiment

I think at that point I would just change it to “John Shopkin” and call it a day.

People, dimiss and not encourage that piece of shit whiggly.

Plus, there’s shit like New Mutants. In which Sunspot, a character who is supposed to be Afro-Brazillian in the comics, is played by a white guy in the movie because the Director/co-writer didn’t care much about colorism and wanted someone who “looked rich”.

Good for him.

Burn it to the ground!

We stan a Grammy-nominated queen who serves a good, classy drag. If they didn’t know why you get paid for your opinions, now they do.

not only that Robert [Palmer] was re-marrying but that he met his new wife four months before asking for a divorce.

No lies detected.

it’s like lunchmeats and sausages proudly stating “No nitrates!” but if you look, the ingredients include celery juice or celery powder which contains...

This doesn’t sound messy at all.

I think you forgot to mention that the the majority of those BLM protestors were white. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But there is something wrong with it when some of those white folks are there just to cause problems and demonize the BLM movement. Basically, there’s no reason for this type of response

Everytime I dismiss a troll, I eat some candy. So rewarding!

They don’t care. At all. While they are tolling the comment section of a black-focused blog.


“Yet another example of Hollywood white-washing. There’s just no excuse.” (Boone discussed the controversy in an io9 interview published Tuesday.)

It’s good to have someone who knows the law to dismantle it. The Use of Force laws have to be changed because they make it nearly impossible for prosecutors to charge the police. California’s law was from 18 motherfocking 72; the cowboy days. AB 392 (Stephon’s Clark’s Law) brought California’s Use of Force Standards

It’s simple. White and UFC want as little government oversight and regulations into union busting, monopolization, and CTE damage to fighters as possible. Just like every corporation they want the tax break and no one looking into their accounting practices, both domestic and international.

Do you really have to ask?  Ice in scotch, raisins in everything, mayo on burgers... you know!  YOU KNOW!

I know this is old news for most of us, but for those in the back:

It is insane to lump all police together as if they are one person.