Dosadi's failed experiment

The only thing I hate more than the Chrysler 300, is this monster.

A psychopath would totally forge ahead like this guy is doing.

White, nerdy men on Wall Street brought our nation’s economy to its knees, wiped out jobs, destroyed the housing market, and escaped consequences.

Really? Yes, I do think immature crimes committed by children should be erased when they become adults.

Clearly, we need to clarify what the word “mistake” means.

Details regarding the destruction of Temple beehive property. From the rabbi.

Ain’t no hypocrite like an evangelical hypocrite coz an evangelical hypocrite don’t quit!

“It is beyond my comprehension that the “students” at Liberty don’t rise up and tear that temple to Mammon down brick by brick.”

on the upside, you’ll get plenty of fiber!

With the revelations about Granda’s actual relationship with the Falwells coming to light, many people are revisiting this disjointed NYT article from 2019 exploring the intrigue behind Falwell’s endorsement of Trump in the 2016 primary, when Falwell was expected to endorse Ted Cruz ahead of the Iowa caucuses, but

This is so fucking rich. SO. RICH.

The pool boy? Really?

Now playing

Emancipating yourself as an underage teen isn’t just a white thing. I did it when I turned 17 and moved out shortly after my 17th birthday.

To quote Dorothy Parker:

The Constitution stopped having any force and effect when Trump made Anthony Kennedy resign in exchange for promising to pardon or derail any criminal proceedings against Kennedy’s Deutsche Bank employee son (who oversaw international loans leveraged by the Russian Mafiya with Trump in the mix) and replaced Kennedy

It’s a loophole Republicans have been using since before the Nixon administration to block protests — planting plain-clothes officers among the protesters to incite violence. No, this isn’t tinfoil-hat nonsense. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies *HAVE BEEN CAUGHT* doing exactly that kind of shit. Many times.

No lie, steam mops are AMAZING and everyone who has partial or total hard floors should have one. No disposable-waste Swiffer bullshit, no stanky fakey chemical fragrances, effective as hell. 

Pay someone else to clean.

My parents don’t have a dishwasher and I usually do the dishes after meals when I go home to visit, but I’ve developed a hack for washing the silverware, which I hate: