Dosadi's failed experiment

This case stands a good chance of getting dismissed on qualified immunity grounds because no court has ever said cops can’t molest dead women, so he had no way of knowing his behavior was inappropriate.

Yeah. Real marketing genius right there. Was he actually trying to make it sound like “chain gang” or is that just a happy coincidence?

Once a year I like to remind people that the Newsweek of today isn’t the Newsweek you remember reading years ago, so there’s that.

Mr Young, this is Grown Folks entertainment, plain and simple.

What bothers me about the, “What about the kids?!?!?” argument is it feels like I’m the only person who was raised to ‘stay in a child’s place.’

Her digital footprint is nothing but heinous and embarrassing. She’s not hiding it. To her supporters, that’s literally why they voted for her.

There are also forces in our society that continue to indoctrinate people into believing that men can’t and shouldn’t be held responsible for sexual misconduct. The notion that male predatory behavior is normal and women are the parties responsible for avoiding it is a particularly vile mainstay of evangelical beliefs.

The further we get from the statistical blip that was America right after WWII and the “nuclear family,” the more desperate these clowns are to pretend that everything was ALWAYS THAT WAY UNTIL THEM GODLESS LIBRULS CAME.

They better make sure to recharge Pence’s batteries before the debates.

I wish people would stop. paying. attention. to those people and refocus on getting the people registered and voting who have been disenfranchised.

I have my beefs with some of her policies, but she was definitely the best and smartest choice given the current climate. We are definitely going to party over this in the Carib. I’ll order extra ox-tails.

My worries about Ms Harris’s past (political, only!) actually have encouraged me to think that she may be able to push a far more progressive program that would otherwise be possible. President Obama, infuriatingly, rarely did anything but seek a compromise, which would have been admirable except that he was dealing

Great! Now get him to shut the fuck up until the convention and then until after election night.

I totally agree with you, but what a sign of progress that the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants who is married to a Jew is the (yawn) obvious choice. Also, any progressive who won’t vote for Biden because of his VP choice isn’t a real progressive - they’re just a Chapo anarchist who wants to burn it all down.

So will Mike Pence be able to share a debate stage with another woman? Will he need mother’s permission? A chaperone? WILL HE RESIGN!!!

The only way out of this mess is through it. Steer into it. Make an entire series of beers labeled with various cultures’ words for pubes. Sell each sixer with a merkin beer koozie. 

The hijacking of the GOP (fiscal GOP) by the Moral Majority allowed for the current state of confusion, lies, misrepresentation of ideas, and of course racism. Because in this country, racism is the root of the majority of the problems that exist. It exists just because the deep, inherent hate that white (not all™)