Will McConnell be participating?
Will McConnell be participating?
When I read Federalist No. 29 and 46 a couple years ago, it seemed that the founders were afraid of the potential tyranny of a national army (probably leftover trauma from the redcoats), being spread too thin by forming a militia to defend borders (probably against the French, British and Native Americans) and of…
It will indeed.
To add to this, I highly recommend listening to Season 2 of “Gangster Capitalism”, which focuses on the NRA. Never have I heard of such a FUBAR “nonprofit” so blindly followed but so corrupt. The (hopeful) outcome of all the ongoing investigations is that the NRA may be in deep shit.
As I understand it, a lot of the intent of the second amendment revolves around maintaining a militia rather than a professional army, but the militia of the time was largely concerned with arming against (and preventing any potential uprising from) African Americans. I’m not sure that its intent ever had anything to…
They never have a viable alternative plan. Guaranteed that Kushner and his hedgefund bros have trash companies they front waiting in the wings to take over after they destroy the Postal Service. They will no doubt take billions that tRump will give them and run, just like the mask and ventilator companies they gave…
This person just lives to up vote trolls and obfuscate.
Finally there, huh?
Keep saying that. It’s a lot and the kleptofascists are trying to drown us in it, but along with all the things Michael mentions I don’t know if people are paying enough attention to this
People forget this. Not only did he - as did Bannon and Javanka- but he also said that it was perfectly fine that he did.
Turn into?
Just like their opposition to the ACA.
Yup, yuppity yup-yup.
The goal of republicans is to turn the US into a third world corporatocracy.
This suppression would include the desire to bankrupt the Postal Service, which has been in dire straights for years due to the prefunded pension requirement for 75 years with which they were saddled by republicans. Now they are nearly out of money and tRump and his handlers are just fine with that. Surely they have a…
She knows what she is doing by choosing those words.
What is problematic with her recounting of events is the language she uses:
IIRC, Washington had already done some incredible work in Glory and X. But no real accolades.