Dosadi's failed experiment

You can punch someone, shoot them in the face and burn their body on TV and no one cares.

That’s pretty fucking lame.

She got better because ..she got better. Because she was fortunate, not because she bathed in bleach or any of the rest of it. It’s like saying that you ate a dish of pudding every day that you had Covid..and recovered! So, it’s the pudding, right??
Let’s see her try it with cancer.
Five years ago when I was diagnosed

and consuming caffeine

You know the deal - devolution. For decades the country has been sold that government is the problem instead of governing. They strip out the funding for public schools, weaken national standards then decry failing schools. They defund infrastructure and complain about Amtrak and rush to build toll roads for the rich.

How do these naturopath dipshits rationalize bleach? Bleach is not natural. There aren’t bleach streams trickling out of snowy mountains or bleach trees where you stick in a sap tap and healthy bleach trickles out.

Well, because I hate myself, I googled this woman.

Whiggly’s a troll, see here for examples of the act. No idea why he’s ungreyed on the Root, but anyway:

I believe they exist too, and I also believe that if the government did figure out how to make them, the first thing they would be used for is war/defense, with an eventual trickling down of the application to consumers and such. I’m guessing that, as these things usually go, they know far more than they are letting

Face it, they, like Costco, rely on impulse buying for their profits. Impulse buying is much less effective on-line, and therefore they want shoppers in their stores, thus putting profit ahead of the health of their customers and employees.

Tyson is afraid of what happens if people start getting used to eating less meat. They are afraid of losing market share. And they are deathly afraid of being replaced by plant based meat substitutes like the Beyond and Impossible brands. That’s all this is.

It worked on some people. There were some COVIDIOTS whining about starving not knowing a damn thing about the supply chain, or all the people who got sick or died getting them their fucking beef.

It’s hard not to look at this situation and think of where we’d be if Midwestern Governors (looking at you South Dakota) had ignored Trump and actually took the virus seriously early on.

The CDC has also responded with declaring it fine for people with covid-19 and exposure to work in processing facilities as long as they are asymptomatic.

I had to slog through this article only to find that there is no recipe for babka? WTF, man.

That’s their secret, they’re always mad...