His name is Kanye
His name is Kanye
The original comment reads like a cry for help of someone struggling- this response isn’t really necessary!
I’d settle for their lifelong imprisonment. I’m not a fan of capital punishment, not even for Nazi and KKK ghouls like President Trump and the Nazi supporting republicans underneath him. Not even for Nazi apologists who keep chasing respectability and bothsidesism that trail after them. Hell, I’d even support cleaning…
Good god! I think that cake gazed into the Arc of the Covenant.
Can someone with access please ask why Hunter Biden being on the board of WhoeverCo is nepotism of the highest order but putting Jared and the Vankster in charge of everything except for Major League Baseball isn’t a big deal?
The Michigan GOP talking points are that the virus only affects “regional” and “dense” areas, meaning “Detroit”, meaning “black people”, so it’s unfair to make Chet’s Market and Deer Hunting Supplies Stand close down over the fake non-problem anyway. They’ll keep saying that right up until they or someone they love…
...surprised there aren’t a few police response APCs enforcing the social distancing via water cannons.
Just because Dolt 45 wants to know what it feels like to have his signature on a check that didn’t fucking bounce doesn’t mean he should be allowed to hold up these checks just to make sure his shitty ass name appears on it.
Didn’t realize his family roots go all the way back to the LARSON Clan Shogunate that terrorized Kyoto and Edo during the pre-Meiji era. A family of samurais whose fierceness is only matched by their casual racism.
It’s a lot easier to call somebody a liar when you actually have them on tape lying. You should always let fools talk so people know how foolish they really are.
Speaking of this fool’s boss, we need to discuss how Dolt 45 is literally stealing medical supplies from Caribbean nations.
Did he tell everyone to pull their pants up and then hand out pudding pops?
Decoded it means: Save yourself, cause we’re not going too.
I wonder when we’ll get to “neat” and “professional” haircuts make masks fit better.
That’s some bullshit from that bad fried chicken eating, finger licking, lazy as fuck thot, no sense having, racist as hell santorum covered turd in rat skin, orange foolius head ass looking motherfucker, told him to say.
And people *still* didn’t want to talk about universal healthcare.
Oh what a joyful day it would be if they could distribute them in bags of DRUMS only or FLATS only. #TeamFlats !!