Dosadi's failed experiment

I needed that in my life. LOL

How did she make Urkel look sexy? I’m mad and I kinda want to date her.

The groundhog had traces of weed in its system. It robbed a liquorice root cellar and had a history of anti-social behavior.

Was that Lisa Kudro at the tournament?

You brought out all the cookies! Dang!

And don’t forget the Got Darned Democrats. They are not any better with their post-election “we lost the white working class. We need to focus on the white working class!” Nonsense.

I appreciate the link. That was a very enlightening exercise.

This piece made me want to Stand and Deliver. You really brought out the importance of his stance. This ... right here... gave me all the strong feels.

Since humans are wrecking the planet like a drunk on St. Patrick’s day, can’t we just call this the ... barcene?

Short answer....

I (black woman) was a candidate for a job where I had 10 years of experience competing against a white man with no experience in the area. He and I were both finalists for the position. When, surprisingly, he did not get the job, he was given the consolation prize of reporting to me. He still thought he deserved the

Thank you for writing this article. I had a lover who was concerned that his enjoyment of pegging made me perceive him as gay. We had a wonderful and open conversation about how what he finds stimulating sexually and to whom he is attracted to for relationships could be different things.

I purchased one the minute I read this article.

And may I just add, the women are dressed like warriors not strippers. Hot damn!

That is so nasty.

So basically, it’s not a hologram it’s just a projection on some janky a$$ ghetto sheet?!

You just told my story.

Luckily I was home when I read this because I just exploded with a “GODDAMN!!!”

I need to thank you for this article. Having worked in Higher Education for many years I know many colleges and universities struggle with their first-time-full-time freshman 6 year graduation rates, the number on which this is based. When I read that article yesterday my head nearly exploded. It is definitely not an

I find that direct clitoral stimulation gets me there in about the same time, the first time. The amount of stimulation needed between orgasms (refractory time) decreases as my sensitivity increases. I also find that having a semi-full bladder increases my ability to orgasm. I have never had a vaginal orgasm but love