Dosadi's failed experiment

You get a star for understanding that all women are different in how they are stimulated and achieve orgasm.

I’m open too.

I’m gonna be broke and I don’t have kids. Or nieces, or god children.

I got mine!

Kicked out of the sorority, expelled from school.

There is no lie there. It is, in fact the hottest day of the year, every. single. year.


This, I think, is a most accurate analysis.

I effen hate the world and this is horrible. I should have never ever known about this in my life. My eyes are forever corrupted.

“I ask you to refrain from such posts since they are prone to inciting others to comment in a way which violates our policies,”

Every shit has a piece of corn in the middle?

He cannot conceive of a situation where Those Who Love Trump do bad things. All those KKK guys wearing their MAGA hats and dressing like The President Love Trump. Therefore, they can’t be Bad People. At least not all of them. Some of them must be “very fine people”. Because they love Trump.

Why did I misread it as MRA?

“White people are basically all like Padme in Episode 3, assuming Anakin is still a good person even after he murders children and slaughters a village in Episode 2.”

And yet we have a whole report on Black Identity Extremists.

It is a coherent sentence so, yes, it is photoshopped.

GTFOH. I am right downtown richmond! Can I inbox you?

Where are you? I’m coming. I’m serious. Will be dressed to the nines.

“I’m also not buying the crime thing. Where do you get gas, Arkham Asylum?”
