I effen hate the world and this is horrible. I should have never ever known about this in my life. My eyes are forever corrupted.
I effen hate the world and this is horrible. I should have never ever known about this in my life. My eyes are forever corrupted.
Every shit has a piece of corn in the middle?
“He cannot conceive of a situation where Those Who Love Trump do bad things. All those KKK guys wearing their MAGA hats and dressing like The President Love Trump. Therefore, they can’t be Bad People. At least not all of them. Some of them must be “very fine people”. Because they love Trump.”
Why did I misread it as MRA?
“White people are basically all like Padme in Episode 3, assuming Anakin is still a good person even after he murders children and slaughters a village in Episode 2.”
And yet we have a whole report on Black Identity Extremists.
It is a coherent sentence so, yes, it is photoshopped.
GTFOH. I am right downtown richmond! Can I inbox you?
Where are you? I’m coming. I’m serious. Will be dressed to the nines.
“I’m also not buying the crime thing. Where do you get gas, Arkham Asylum?”
Capital P Petty: When he brakes up with you on your birthday by sending you “sorry it didn’t work out, I love you” flowers. Go to a bar, get shit-faced drunk and hand out his number to every woman in the bar to send dick pics. All night.
Was the suicidal robot named Marvin by chance?
You made me read this. I wasn’t gonna, but you wrote it and now my eyes are bleeding thoughts. This heffa is a Tom to the nth degree. I should not be this angry on a Friday night.
With all the workplace shootings, how many co-workers get the benefit of the doubt for pumping a shotgun in someone’s face. If he had been muslim or black, I doubt they would be tasking this so lightly.
That’s mighty white of him.
There is so much shade in this article I feel like I’m on the dark side of the moon! Dayam!
If that island ever happens, I’m in!
I said it before and I’ll say it again. The Root After Dark articles are a treasure! A man with excellent foreplay game has to be careful where he steps because the floors are extra slippery when wet.
I am with you on this. I started tearing up a bit with joy.