
Yeah, apart from the Coon thing, i don’t how this is “racist slur”

Cracks me up when a troll like SeanG is trying to get out of the greys. Sorry son, not gonna happen.

We don’t ignore Nazis. We hit them with bright sunshine, shut down their websites, get them fired, ostracize them and occasionally punch them in the fucking dick.

Except you did not make this post about the dead girl, you made it about the plight of black people. You tap danced around the fact that the woman who died was white, along with the 2 white police officers, not to mention the countless white counter-protesters who were injured. Are you trying to suggest they

Frankly, I found it heavy handed. I mean, sure, I get it. Some of us who are white would be like that. And yeah, I ain’t going to have a problem cause I’m white. I can’t fix this shit, and if someone doesn’t trust me right now, I get it. Shit’s really gone to Hell on this one. Hate me all you want if you feel the

“...pointing out that a woman, who happened to be white...”, she said, through gritted teeth.

Just a guess, but the reason white people might be making the “I’m not one of those guys” comments, is because people keep using terms like “white privilege” and lumping all white people into the same group. People are different individuals. Each person should be judged on the content of their character and not the

I might get panned for “victim blaming” but I’m not. What sucks about this is there are some men and women who draw upon this toxicness. Telling and fake crying all the while getting toxic $5 donations with a robot voice telling them mean things. Sometimes these people have large fan bases and to these “raiders” it

Harley’s always been so much more than the Joker’s accomplice-cum-love-interest.

Anyone frequently using the word “anathema” in casual conversation is probably trying too hard.

I guess I’ll be the one to say it... maybe it played better watching the clip as opposed to describing it but that kinda sounds awful. Like some sort of weird internet fanfic / product placement short film meant as a joke and not a serious movie.

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!

Seriously, I feel it does more harm than good to say “He kissed a guy on the forehead, let’s immediately start talking about them being a couple.”

It’s ok for men to have loving friendships without being into each other. Really.

Wonder why they aren’t looking for a second suspect??

Except people suck, and are rude, noisy assholes to each other making any such densely-populated scenario a hellscape.

I loved Wonder Woman, but this, along the “Steve Trevor couldn’t cover his genitals with a single hand” article, are making me start to doubt the collective knowledge and intelligence of the Gizmodian writers...

Not cool, idiot

“willful acts of beautifully violent misandry was nice”

Someone actually got paid to write this article?