
Name-shaming? Really? Fuck off.

It looks okay. “Absolutely amazing” is overselling it quite a bit. I am really tired of every internet journalism dealing strictly in hyperbole, lately.

Oof, that was rough. But Whitmire was a little shaky his first time out, too. I think, like any performer, he needs time to find his version of the character. Hopefully it becomes something better.

Oh, you. EVERYTHING a white person does is white privilege. Especially this week.

Question: What does showing up to protest these morons actually accomplish, besides providing an opportunity for violence? Do we really think any of them are going to look at the droves of protestors and think “Gee, those nice folks sure seem awfully displeased. Maybe I’d better rethink this whole neo-nazi thing...”?

Tina Fey isn’t going to open the eyes of anyone who voted for Trump and still hasn’t come to regret it at this point. White supremacists aren’t going to listen to anyone of any color that is trying to talk reason at them. If you think Neo-Nazis look at the whites who denounce them with any higher regard than they do

So Casey literally said “I was just making that up”, and it still gets a fucking article purporting it to be a credible rumor? Fuck off, internet.

There are not enough stars for you in the entire universe.

YUP. Personally, I’m just staying quiet until we go full Mad Max, then everyone’s skin will be so caked with the errant sand of the white-hot nuclear wasteland we’ll be inhabiting that we’ll finally be free from divisions of color and race!

How about don’t tell me what I should or shouldn’t do, m’kay? I’ll be a dickhead if I want to.

Can’t please anyone. Don’t try. End of lesson!

I feel like it’s an extremely unpopular opinion I’m about to share, given how my generation feels entitled that everything cater to their specific needs and sensitivities, but... maybe if you don’t want to be harassed, don’t live broadcast yourself onto the computer screens of literally any anonymous stranger who

What can we do to speed up this timetable?

Out of all the articles to bitch at kinja for publishing, this is actually one of the more important ones. People should be aware of the deterioration of our own government leaders, I think.

Jesus. That video of Stephen Miller, for some reason that is one of the more chilling things I’ve ever seen. It showcases on the most basic, rudimentary level how these rich, entitled douchebags are just simply not good human beings. How can you be entrusted to perform in ANY part of a government when your view of

Those things that you insist happen when you cheese your burgers the traditional way? Not true. Never happens. Not even once. Throw your cheese on at the very end of the grilling and it will be fine. And I’ve never had a burger fall apart on me and then blame it on the cheese.

Heath Ledger’s performance is woefully, PAINFULLY overrated here.

Bad? Eh. Obnoxious and self-important, maybe, but not bad.

Oh look. It’s one of those articles where someone pretends that an extremely easy thing is somehow more complicated than it appears, and that we’ve all been doing it wrong for decades, and they’re here to light the way as a gleaming beacon of intelligence that none of us could ever hope to fathom.

I hope one day these movies get recognized as the messes they really are. Having Conroy read these lines in an actual voice leaves you open to contemplate just how terribly-written they are, and without the over-the-top gravel of Bale’s voice, you’re not distracted from his awful, terrible facial acting. These movies