
Actually... (from episode 7. 12:33)

Eh...There’s a possibility of it being taken the wrong way. I mean anything with the words “women only” used to describe it has got “sjw bait” written all over it.

I cannot remotely see it either after looking hard at it. It really feels like people are just reaching for the sake of it.

I saw a BMW with its turn signal on once.

Now playing

Duh the song had lyrics! Lou Albano sang them best!

I think a “job involving games” is quite different from “playing games as a job”. I haven’t done any research at all, but is there any data out there that shows the number of people that professional gaming can actually support as a stable career? Your skill writing can be applied to other professions, or even the

as with all things since the beginning of times:
- equilibrium is best.

what is the point of having space if you have no use for it? what is the point of having things you don’t use? the key, is having what you need and enjoy.

i don’t like laying down in hard floors, and i need places to keep my stuff, so some furniture

Well yeah, parts of him are made of abs plastic, right?

I don’t know what it is about the Internet, but it’s made every single person think they’re a logician and rhetorician at the level of Cicero. I can’t tell you how tiresome it is that people think pointing out one logical fallacy is enough to invalidate a person’s entire argument and/or life. Trying to debate

Thinking mighty highly of yourself.

/fixed for clarity

Man, I have get almost the same feeling of revulsion when I look at Pewdiepie as I do with Juggalo Joker. I’m happiest not seeing him.

“I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog. And they’re completely and utterly oblivious to the irony.”

The irony is your bigotry on the matter. It is never okay for anyone, anywhere, at any time to think it’s okay to defy and resist the law and law enforcement alike. All you’re doing is advocating needless martyrdom to continue to perpetuate the very stereotypes and problems you’re complaining about, rather than solve

I believe that it is righteous for white people to rebel against the United States...alongside black people, other people of all the other colors, straights, gays, cis, trans, whole nine.

I see what your saying but isn’t that the exact mentality that gets young black guys in situations where a cop could injure or kill them? I agree that some cops are bad but that doesn’t mean that they are all bad across the board and that you should defy them. In most cases if they are corrupt you are going to stand a

Who are these people you’re referencing? Your statement is almost as absurd as saying all black men are criminals. You’re perpetuating the thing you’re complaining about.

Right but if we all know that black men and women are the target of unjust policing and racial profiling why be a martyr? I comply with police so I don’t get physically assaulted or killed. I am by NO MEANS justifying the blatant and wrong cold blooded murder and beatdown of people of color. I am saying we all have to