Thank you for being a voice of sanity. Sometimes I feel like I’m going nuts for just appreciating things the way they are.
Thank you for being a voice of sanity. Sometimes I feel like I’m going nuts for just appreciating things the way they are.
Remember when you were a kid, and people just “liked” things, without turning every character into their perfect, sexual, fan-fiction fodder?
The answer is “you played it when you were 12". That is what makes JRPGs great.
Oh yeah? And I want the birds to stop shitting on my car’s hood, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen anytime soon.
Seems like a pointless regulation, honestly. Much like how outside of the US, rear turn signals have to be amber instead of just red. If people don’t notice turn signals, it isn’t because they aren’t a certain color. It’s because they aren’t paying attention.
Meh. They’re better off playing actual Pokemon games. Go is an amusing distraction while I’m out for a constitutional, but I don’t think you’re missing out if you can’t go out. It’s really just something to kill time while I wait for the real Pokemon game to come out in November.
Seriously. I’ll take the “bad-looking” hand-drawn 1997 animation over lazy modern CG stuff any day.
I don’t understand any of this. From the outside, this just looks like some neckbeard getting really worked up over nothing.
Damn... is this really an article? Like... what the hell is happening to video games? Are we ready to just admit this is a mediocre-to-bad shooter that is subsisting entirely on its characters, and the fans’ terrible, SJW-approved “headcanon” for them?
I think I’ve hit the point where video games and the surrounding culture are no longer for me. Goodbye my friends.
Oh damn. I can practically here the angry tumblr posts all the way from here.
I honestly wish comic book companies would just do away with any notion of continuity. I mean, it’s no secret that all the best stories happen independently of everything else. This seemed to be what they were doing with DCYou, which I enjoyed mostly, but the backlash from angry, immature fans who were confused and…
I think it’s funny and sad that there was so much vitriol against cartridge games back in the day. I was young, so I didn’t know any better, but they acted as though the medium the game was distributed on was somehow indicative of the quality of the game, when in actuality, the extra size allotted to developers by the…
We’ve entered an era where the majority of gamers haven’t played Doom, nor do they remember a time when gameplay was more important than story. I think I threw up a little.
This has to be stopped.
I love when people expose their ignorance by trying to be witty. Any true Pokemon master knows that Tauros has always been an excellent Pokemon, casually and competitively.
Now if only someone would put that insufferable PewDiePie in his place...
Is it wrong that the price didn’t seem alarming to me? I guess I’m just too used to craigslist bullshitting.
I can’t believe people think BvS is poorly edited and made no sense, but somehow the 2.5 hour clusterfuck that was Civil War is okay because it threw the audience some heavy handed exposition and a few jokes.
I... guess I’m just too old for this kind of humor. I am turning 30, which as I understand is one-foot-in-the-grave territory. But this reads more like a self-fulfillment fantasy of someone who actually secretly draws Justice League porn. More like a joke you kick around with your friends really quick, but not…