
Part of me wants to see this movie, just because I like Ghostbusters, but the rest of me is screaming that to give my money to this film is to condone this level of laziness and ineptitude. I’m simultaneously impressed and disgusted that over 30 years later, the token black member of the team is somehow MORE of a

I hope I’m not alone in asking... “What the fuck is dabbing?”

“...used to be”? Hah. That’s funny.

Apparently people’s distaste with Snyder’s version of Superman is so strong they’ll grasp onto nearly anything and try to call it superior.

I hate that my love for “handcrafted” sodas has labelled me as a hipster. I always keep Virgil’s root beer in the fridge, and the sentiment towards that always seems to be “What!? You can’t just drink Barqs or Mug or A&W like the rest of us? Not good enough for you!?”, and the short answer is “No, it isn’t, because I

I thought Twitch outlawed boobie streams. I used to spend my free time reporting boobie streams. I always tell my girlfriend that she should do boobie streams. Every time I see her at her computer playing a game, I shake my head in shame, knowing that she could be simultaneously making tons of dosh off of lonely

It’s news like this that makes me realize I’m old. Who really gives a shit about what a bunch of nobodies on Youtube give a shit about? Why is it that when I search for the latest trailer for that thing I like, the first search results are always REACTION VIDEOS to the trailer of the thing I like? Why do people like

It’s not so much that he’s a great character, it’s that everyone else is worse. Fin is a doofus who is always confused about everything unless it’s shooting a gun, Rey is a hapless, wide-eyed enthusiast who is TOO good at everything (I swear, her acting was terrible. She spends 90% of the film with the same stunned

FINALLY! Another person who gets it. I feel like I’ve been taking crazy pills. I watched it a second time tonight and I feel like it got even better.

I know people always want to look back to the comics as being a paragon of quality, since it is the “source” material, but some of these fights were hella dumb. Even more so than BvS. As much as I absolutely love the staging of the New Frontier fight, it’s probably the dumbest of all. Both of them are willing to kill

I’ve grown to hate the customizable class system in JRPGs. All it does is enable grinding. All classes should operate off of your character’s base level. Give us access to the skills and abilities without having us jump through the hoops of arbitrary level-grinding in order to get the best skills, and even worse, the

Okay. So how many millions and zillions of points do we deduct from this effort for them overlooking the phenomenal 2008 series “Batman: The Brave and the Bold”? Like, seriously. Not only one of the best Batman cartoons, but a love-letter to the entire DC universe and comic book fans everywhere! Terrible oversight!

Huh. All it took was cutting out more than half the footage and most of the dialogue, and it made the movie look tolerable. Who knew?

Wait, how is that original 1984 trailer bad? You have to take into account, trailer editing has come a long way. As far as your average early ‘80s movie trailer goes, that one was pretty hype. I know it would have gotten my ass in the theater, if I had even been born yet.

I will forever support the people’s right to shit all over these free webcomics if they’re not funny. Especially if they’re not funny. It’s a rough world out there, we can’t let the entire internet become a hugbox.

When did it suddenly become cool to bash the shit out of the NA SNES? It’s got this great, boxy style, like a Lincoln Town Car. The purple/lavender accents are bold, yet understated, like a Lincoln Town Car. The only problem is that the system is a little bit oversized... like a Lincoln Town Car!

You want us to lie and sugar-coat and say shit we don’t mean? This is the internet, dude. These comics are awful.

More proof that the average American is getting dumber as time goes on. If we elect Trump, I AM leaving this country.

Now, I’m just throwing this out there... but maybe... just maybe...this “Pewdie Pie” isn’t actually an interesting or entertaining person. Call me crazy.

While my totals aren’t quite as high as yours, this is one of the reasons I’ve invested in a dedicated retro gaming set-up recently, utilizing an upscaler to make older games look good without the TV processing the image. I still own all of my own systems and they all still work, and I own most of the games I could