
Let them strike! As a grumpy, old-school gamer, I really couldn’t care less about “dialogue” and “acting” in my video games. Good riddance, I say!

I disagree vehemently with giving fat people any respect, and it’s almost laughable that you would lump that together with things like being old, or having a crying child. Being obese is a person’s own fault. You let your health get out of control and got huge through poor life choices, now you inflict your problems

But what if it’s physically impossible for you to recline because the person behind you is very tall? This seems to not occur to you militant reclining supporter types. My knees jam into the back of the seat in front of me even when it’s fully upright.

Yeah, I’m almost 6’ 3”, and most airline seats leave my knees jammed into the seat in front of me even when they’re not reclined. It’s a crappy situation, because I also have back problems and understand how much more bearable a slight recline can make a 6 hour flight. The few times I’ve flown, I’ve asked the person

This is all so trivial. People are basically whining about what characters they get? Let’s overlook the fact that this game series is absolute crap in the first place. I mean, yeah, it’s basically the best place to go for a Batman simulator, but combat is nothing but mashing a single button, and overall gameplay is

Good to know! The writer (James Roberts) is British and seems to be well-versed in matters political. It’s a great damn quote.

Ideally, Optimus himself. In actuality, probably Soundwave. Worst-case scenario, Starscream or Shockwave.

You know, I read a Transformers comic a while back where Megatron himself posed three questions that he believes should be asked of anyone in a position of power:

Dude, I don’t even give a shit about politics, and I wouldn’t have a party affiliation if I hadn’t had to check one on my voting registration forms, but even I think these people are stark raving mad. I think we as Americans have a right to criticize our would-be leaders based on their positions, because that’s what

The tank chase is one of the best Bond moments. Suspenseful, full of action, and a dash of humor. It angers me to no end that when they edit this movie for TV, the chase is sped-up and cut short.

It’s different. There’s this big culture of “acceptable” geeks rolling around out there. Then there’s the core of the geeks, the kind of people who play D&D and knew who Iron Man was before 2008, and likely have something autographed by the cast of the original Battlestar Galactica.

This is fine. As long as the body-positive crowd stops pitching a fit about my “no fat chicks” t-shirt.

I’m 6’2”, and my girlfriend is quite fond of my height, but let me tell ya, it ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Nothing is ever big enough for me, and I’m not even “freakish” tall. Car seats don’t go back enough, movie theater chairs and airplanes are a nightmare, and the worst thing is beds. Unless we’re talkin’ king

Who cares how popular your levels are? Must everything be a digital popularity contest? Do we all need our fleeting 15 minutes of social network fame? Even in a Mario game? Maybe I’m too old for this scene.

I’ve been “fat” for most of my life. 6’ 2”, and about 260 lbs, give or take. I have very little in the way of body image issues, but for some reason when I hear anyone who weighs about half what I do consider themselves “fat”, it irks me. It’s not an entitlement thing, or a jealousy thing, (because I tell you, I love

I remember having to use those AV inputs on my VCR for my N64, because our TV was old. The confounding thing was that even with the VCR powered on, the inputs weren’t “active” until you played a tape back, even just for a second. So I was baffled for hours trying to get it to work on Christmas morning. I still have

Ah, look what time it is. It’s time to over-analyze a mediocre children’s show to make it seem like more than the sum of its parts. Again.

I’m certain the cross-dressing/transgender community is going to find this empowering.

War is heck.

The biggest one I successfully completed was replacing the fuel tank, rear bumper, exhaust and fuel lines after my ‘89 Caddy was rear-ended, and for some reason my insurance refused to pay for most of it. (They paid for the bumper, and that’s it. A paltry couple-of-hundred bucks. They argued that with the age of the