Just came in here to correct all of you chumps. The plural form of Pikachu is “Pikachu”, and the same goes for all Pokemon. Get educated, fools.
Just came in here to correct all of you chumps. The plural form of Pikachu is “Pikachu”, and the same goes for all Pokemon. Get educated, fools.
Since digital became a thing, I hardly ever buy anything in person, and if I do, I try and do it from a Sears or something where nobody knows anything or gives a shit about the games. Like the good old days.
These all just seem like ways to inconvenience yourself so you lose tolerance for the game even quicker than normal.
Stewart revved the engine to intimidate him. The car slid out of control and hit him. It’s painfully obvious. There was no reason for him to do that, besides his penchant for having a temper. Don’t feed me that “you steer as much with the throttle as you do with the wheel” garbage, as though it was an attempt to avoid…
They BOTH made stupid mistakes because they were angry. The gigantic difference is that Stewart’s mistake DIRECTLY caused the death of another man. In my experience, the only people who dare try and defend Stewart are his rabid fans.
I was super-annoyed this never saw any action. It was basically just product placement. Hell, the Russian tank was more of a Bond car than this was.
People love to be elitist about movies. Makes them feel smart, especially when a movie fits into a specific archetype of bad movie, like this one (terrible video game movies). The only thing people like more than enjoying something together is hating something together. Look at the Transformers movies for a wonderful…
The art and page layouts are frequently awful. I hate how the artist hides behind this fabricated shield of “you just don’t like it because it’s not sexy enough for you to masturbate to” in order to invalidate criticism, too. The writing has gotten a smirk out of me, but it’s nothing special. The fact that this book…
How long before Rocket League gets its own blog, so I can stop seeing it at the top of the page every time I come here? Seriously, stop. This isn’t interesting or compelling. I’d accuse this site of poor journalism, if I thought that anything that happened here was actually journalism in the first place.
I couldn’t care less about the trailers. Call me when we can convince modern developers that games themselves are not movies.
All of these are excessive nitpicking, or just plain wrong. And any time anyone retroactively has a feminist opinion on a movie that’s this old, I just have to laugh.
God dammit, I think we can stop with the stupid amount of Rocket League replays getting posted here.
Can I tell you one thing that has been on almost every car I’ve owned, and I take it for granted while my friends are always somewhat amazed by it? The gas cap being behind the rear license plate. This was a common thing to do in the 70s and 80s, especially for GM cars, but damn, I never have to worry about what side…
And nothing of value was lost.
Can we go maybe like one week without a Rocket League post here? I’m not saying this one isn’t justified, because it actually discusses new content, but at least a half-dozen of the previous ones weren’t, like the ones that were basically “Hey look at this cool Rocket League replay!”.
I’m surprised this many people care about battle mode. It always seemed like a tacked-on filler. I enjoyed it on SNES when I was 7, and somewhat on N64, but after that, I realized the entire meat and potatoes of Mario Kart was the racing, the driving physics and the track design. Battle mode was just the parsley on…
Unlike everyone else in this thread, I’m going to cut you a break. Hindsight is always 20/20, although even now, there are plenty of documents and quotes from military leaders from multiple countries that suggest Japan wasn’t too far away from surrender. I won’t presume to know what actions any government should or…
I don’t remember what age I was when I began to realize that most of humanity was hopelessly stupid. Possibly around High School, when I became cynical and angsty and noticed most of my teachers were idiots. To this day, one of the few enduring truths of life is that no matter how dumb you think people are, they’re…
Justice League has become one of DC’s greatest books in the wake of Forever Evil. It just feels epic, for lack of a better word. Truly of a caliber befitting DC’s biggest heroes. I wanted to get into Midnighter, and the first issue was good, but I wasn’t compelled to stick around. I may read it later in a collected…
Oh cool. I feel like a super villain by proxy now.