
Alright enough about this game. Yeah, it’s fun. Can we move on, though?

When did it become cool to bash chrome? Chrome is great. Don’t blame modern car designers for now knowing how to apply it tastefully.

Is this what the world of gaming has degenerated into? Petty, entitled blubbering over what genders are/aren’t available/playable? Back when Super Mario came out, nobody gave a shit that he was a guy, and that there was no female. Nobody gave a shit that Ms. Pac-Man was a girl, and her game was way better than the

That last paragraph is impossible to discern out of context. Not the greatest quote.

Nothing to be amazed about. It’s the wrong year for the car. If there’s one thing you should get right, it’s that. It’s one of the most iconic American cars ever made. which is probably why they’re so hard to find in the first place, though...

I’m in defense of the car, even though the movie will likely be shit. In the original Ghostbusters, they got a 30-year-old Cadillac to use as their car. Now, 30 years later, they’re getting another 30-year-old Cadillac. And the fact that the car itself is the kind of model that would have been brand new when the first

Now if only developers could put that much thought and effort into their game play design...

Incredibles is so freakin’ overrated, and Wall-E is a masterpiece that belongs in 2nd or 1st place. And just because the characters in the first Toy Story aren’t saccharine sweet doesn’t make it a bad movie. It gives it a wonderful tone that a lot of kid’s movies are devoid of these days. I think it’s quite an

I liked the car/tank segments more than most, but damn this was just too frustrating, and I have no desire to do it again on a higher difficulty.

So I’ve never bought a “season pass” before. PS4 is my first modern system, and from the minute I popped my game in, I was lured with ads for all this yet-unreleased content. How does this work? Is it basically just a pre-order, or will I end up getting all the new content for cheaper than I normally would have by

People die. Life’s unfair. Have a chuckle where you can get it, especially when it’s at the expense of something that happened halfway around the world. Modern society has become all too easily-offended and eager to showcase phony compassion. As we speak, people are dying in worse ways and getting far less respect,

Almost reminds me of Superman back at the very beginning of new Action Comics when Morrison was writing. He was not as powerful, buy young and cocky, and used to do things like stand up against smalltime-thugs, terrorists and most importantly, corrupt authorities. It was pretty great, and I like that he’s going back

Good to see Herbie’s still got it.

The only part that threw me was the bit at the end, where occasionally the crushers would come down right on top of me with no warning. I actually figured out the first person trick when I was mashing buttons in a fit of rage and accidentally switched mid-race, and found it magically easier.

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.

I still don’t have a problem with Amiibo. Nothing that major has been locked away by them. Arbitrary challenges and random costumes don’t really entice me all that much, and this is in no way as ridiculous as the “console/retailer exclusive” content that other developers are getting away with, where it is actually

I was going to say roughly this. Everyone above has clearly missed the point of the article. Yes, you can always return a game or get it refunded, but it does nothing about the sort of message that you’re sending the lazy-ass modern companies by giving them your money so early on.

So here’s the part where I was totally unaware of this, and where I’m going to be a shameless Nintendo fanboy. For most of my life, my primary, often only system has been a Nintendo one. I don’t think I’ve bought a non-Nintendo system since the Dreamcast. Now you can criticize Nintendo all you want for what they’re

Yeah, dude. The Batmobile is getting a lot of flack from reviewers and fans, they feel it’s tacked on and unnecessary, but as a long time Batmobile enthusiast, I love it to death. This is my first Arkham game, and the Batmobile is so awesome, I can’t imagine how the game would be without it. To me, the car is as much

My favorite is when the chief mentions “Otisburg” the first time you’re in the police station. I still love that gag.