
I don’t play games for the story, never have and never will. I don’t really care what they do. And I love the Batmobile, I’ve never played a previous Arkham game and got excited for this one chiefly because it has a Batmobile, so I’m pretty hype.

Yes, but in the current comic book continuity, he gave up the title, and prefers to be known simply as “Rodimus” now.

Totally. There are thousands of mint condition Corvettes out there. This one has a story behind it.

Almost 20 years of internet culture, and the epitome of Zelda-based humor still seems to be “LOL, Link breaks stuff and steals other people’s money!”. It’s the equivalent of all the “Mario does shrooms!” and “Pokemon is cockfights for kids!” jokes. Can we move on, yet?

So I have to laugh, because just recently there was an article on Kotaku about how Marvel was great and DC sucked, because DC was changing all of its heroes and they were no longer recognizable, while Marvel realized the importance of their biggest icons and stuck to their roots, and yet over the past year, I have

I was just thinking about how this is a color that you never see on cars anymore, and that’s a good thing because every car I ever knew in that color was a miserable disappointment.

Meh. Romance is for the real world. I’d rather read comics about robots and monsters and superheroes and stuff.

Thank you! Everyone seems to be largely ignorant of this point. The whole purpose of Convergence was to help fill time during the office move, to tell a bunch of fun, random stories with an all-star cast, and then create a situation where writers can now pull from the entire pool of DC history. In fact, wasn’t there

I think that’s the point, though. Superman is being put through some stuff that he’s never had to deal with before. (At least not all at the same time, to my recollection), and it’s causing him to re-evaluate himself. I like how you have an issue with Gordon being Batman, but not with Falcon adopting the title of

Finally, someone talking sense. It seems ever since the Marvel Movie universe took off, anyone will take any chance they can get to throw DC under the bus. It’s starting to get annoying. It seems like people automatically want to treat everything DC attempts as inherently invalid right from the get-go. Comparing the

I’d say it’s something you should read more if you enjoy Astro Boy. Or, you know, just plain good comics in general.

I think it’s hilarious that people are digging so hard to call this movie “feminist”. It isn’t at all. It just has a strong female lead. Some might call that “feminist”, but in a world where both genders are equal, I just call that “a movie”.

I think all humans just need to be more patient and mindful when seeking assistance from someone in another department/profession. There’s always a disconnect.

I can’t believe all the people that want to write this off already as a cheap ploy, or simply because Superman is DC’s most powerful character with no appeal, or whatever reason people claim to hate Superman. Is it even still cool to hate on Superman? I guess it’s always easy to take shots at the guy on top. I think

Except the Constitution was a cleverly designed, highly adaptable tactical vessel. The Victory was basically just a massive tub of guns. Not saying there isn’t something to appreciate about that, but aren’t Americans always being accused of their “bigger is better” philosophy? I guess it’s okay when anyone else does

The Victory is a museum and a gift shop. A very pretty museum and gift shop, at least.

Agreed. Also, its cousins, the regular Roadmaster/Caprice/Fleetwood were also the last true American sedans. Comfy, powerful and absolutely massive. They got chided for being so old-fashioned when they debuted, but they’re quite hot among collectors that value classic American cruisers nowadays.

This is overselling the show, immensely. You can read deeply into anything if you try hard enough. The show has its moments, but largely it’s just a weird kid’s adventure.

It’s nostalgia, plain and simple. The colorful characters, humor, great music and gimmicks distract from what is otherwise a mediocre platformer that relies on collecting as a means to pace the player and add challenge. EVERYONE who loves this game originally played it when they were kids. Nobody has ever come along

You say that using a roller makes you a slow, easy-to-hit target, but it seems to me like using a roller actually increases your running speed...