
I feel like Cadillac suffered an identity crisis and reviews like this probably didn't help. In the late 80s and early 90s as Eurpoean and Asian performance/luxury were creeping in, they got chewed out for only offering old man cars, as big and comfy as they might have been. Fast forward 20 years, and now that the

The nut most prone to failure is the one located behind the wheel.

The car-sleeping concept really was a big deal back in the day; aside from car-snoozing enthusiasts like Nash/Rambler, there were options and kits for all kinds of cars, even genuinely small cars like the Beetle and Type III. Now, I can't think of any car company that actively talks about the ability to spend the

It seems Nintendo has found a new marketing strategy to recover lost sales; appealing to the SJW crowd. I'm sure tumblr is loving the hell out of this.

Basically the same thing with Transformers.

None of the old tracks are quite as memorable as the remastered version of, say, Toad Turnpike. But that's one of the best racetracks I've ever played in a racing game, let alone a Mario Kart game. So if that's the standard that Nintendo has established for itself and its players, I'm willing to accept something

Why doesn't he have the laugh? Why!? The laugh is 90% of his persona! It's the only reason people remember that damn dog, and they changed it! What's the purpose, even?

I'm registered as a Democrat, but I voted Republican because I thought he was the better candidate. Bring it.

Doesn't one of the many non-canonical Skeletor origins explain that his head does have flesh, but its just invisible?

9. So Godzilla would not look vulnerable, suit actor Haruo Nakajima would never show the bottom of the character's feet while walking.

Is this the evolution of the first person shooter? I mean, I haven't played one seriously since the days of Doom and Quake, but that's just it. There was a point when the games were just action-based, sci-fi madness with wacky weapons. Somewhere along the line, they hit upon emulating realistic combat, and it seems

He's a bit of a control freak and there's no need for that level of involvement. The games would be fine, or probably even better if he let other people take control of certain aspects *cough*characterbalancing*cough* and let some fresh perspectives into the series.

Is it just me, or does this Charger's body styling look like it drove out of 2002?

You can read a version of the creepypasta here, if you'd like:

All that matters is that it was a prototype that never went into production. Whether it was ever actually supposed to is irrelevant. Cadillac basically just designed this to prove that they could.

I'm sick of Nintendo cheaping out on their hardware. The excessive hinge flop and yellowed LCDs are two major issues I have with the current 3DS models, and from testaments across the internet, it seems neither problem has been solved... Whether or not I get one of these seems like it will depend on the exclusive

Whenever I hear stuff like this I get a little disappointed. Did Brawl not teach us that everything outside of Vs. mode and Classic mode is ultimately a waste? I would have rather they spent the time making more unique characters/stages than making some overdeveloped game mode that will be played a few times and then

So has Nintendo fixed their yellow screen issues yet or what?

Positive or negative, doesn't really matter. What if the statements are actually true? Are we still not allowed to observe and comment on them? I've worked almost exclusively with Chinese businesses for the past 10 years, and I've noticed a TON of stereotypes, positive and negative, that are entirely true about

I'm a white male, so I'm not allowed to be offended by anything said to me anymore, so I'm really kind of over defending other people. Maybe this Indian guy was a really fucking shitty salesman and didn't deserve his job. Maybe he would actually be more suited for a job at 7/11. Maybe the manager was insulting his