
Thus making the 3DS version pointless. So the 3DS version ate up development time and forced them to cut content, just so the real version could release less than two months later? Nintendo got thousands of people to pay 40 dollars for what is, effectively, a demo that most people will drop like a hot rock once the

I recall a similar project from about 10 years ago. Nintendo put a stop to it, and thanks to this article, history will likely repeat itself.

Once again, gaming journalism over-analyzes everything. Gamers weren't as skeptical or involved back then. Mario 2 was the second Mario game. Nobody looked at it and pissed and moaned "WHERE ARE THE GOOMBAS!? NOT MUH MARIO!". The way Nintendo convinced people to buy this game was because they clearly printed "SUPER

This just in: Nintendo's initial attempt at innovative new hardware is flawed, but they finally get it right 3 years later.

Maybe if they items were more balanced. Too many of them net you instant KOs, and over the course of the series, items have grown to do more damage when simply thrown, so any item is more useful as a projectile. Also take into account wildly imbalanced items like assist trophies and Smash balls, and it can just plain

This puts in to perspective how shitty it much be to live in your rival's house. You wake up every day and look out your window, and instead of getting a lovely waterfront few, you're staring into a brick wall of a laboratory that is build 10 feet away.

Land of the free, home of the brave. *single teardrop*

IDW's stuff in general is pretty amazing right now. I've been picking up the issues of this, but haven't read them yet. IDW's regular Transformers series already sets the bar pretty high, to be honest. I love the retro style on this, though.

I'm all for being whatever you wanna be, but all the people acting like this is an outrage need to chill. There's a policy for "no disguises". The system isn't perfect, obviously, but when a young man comes in dressed as a woman, it's confusing. I don't care how much you're supposed to accept it and respect it, it's

You had me at fender flares.

Remember when people had better shit to do than to be outraged by a variant cover on some comic book? Yeah, me neither.

I bet the low price point means they're still sticking with the cheap building materials, and we can expect more loose hinges, shoddy shoulder buttons, backlight bleeding, and yellow tinted screens.

People still have issue with the Mercedes DLC? My god, grow up. It isn't like Mario is some sacred religion that shouldn't be tainted. It's a video game franchise. Has been and always will be about making money. And if you don't think Wario driving a Mercedes is the tightest shit, get outta my face!

There's a lot of videos like this where someone analyzes game design, but I am pretty sure they are over-analyzing quite a bit. I can guarantee that very little of this probably crossed the designers minds when they implemented the blue shell.

Everything about Mario Kart 64 isn't as great as we all remember it. The graphics are weak, even for N64, half the tracks are pretty lame, and the physics are absolutely wonky. I liked it back in the day, but pretty much every Mario Kart after it is a massive improvement.

Phantasy Star with pirates and airships. Sounds awesome, especially as they're from the same development team. But many found the game to be extremely difficult. To put it more bluntly, it kicked our asses. With numerous random battles and unforgiving difficulty, the main reason this game wasn't on the original list

Hey, now. No need to be jealous of our glorious freedom sand.

So basically the thing it does better than a computer is fitting in your pocket.

Few people recognize how utterly awesome the Oracle series was. They never get mentioned in the same breath as A Link to the Past, which is a shame, because I feel like 90% of the praise ALttP gets is earned by nostalgia. Pretty much every subsequent 2-D Zelda game blows it out of the water.

Yes! Most of my cars have been Cadillacs, so I take this feature for granted. All of my friends are jealous.