Eh, whatevs. I don't judge. Some people don't like other kinds of people. I, for instance, don't like onions on pizza. It takes all kinds.
Eh, whatevs. I don't judge. Some people don't like other kinds of people. I, for instance, don't like onions on pizza. It takes all kinds.
Well, according to the schedule, looks like it's safe to stop watching after Monday.
Where the hell were all of you Gamecube-loving hipsters back then? Oh, right, you were probably playing your X Box/PS2 and calling the Gamecube a "kiddie system".
Que the feminist outrage. Never mind if a male character is dressed just as skimpily. That's just pandering to the "male power fantasy". As a male, I apparently love looking at attractive male bodies and wishing that were me, so that makes it okay. According to feminists. Attractive woman showing some skin? Worse than…
When you buy a Transformer that doesn't transform, you're letting the terrorists win.
Maybe black people should stop stealing cars, then.
I just came in here to say that intro is bad and whoever made it should feel bad. Original was better.
I love stories like this. They always remind me that, at their core, humans are kind, compassionate and understanding. I'll forget it tomorrow morning when I'm swearing at all of them in Boston traffic.
The GLA is kind of lame looking, but if you don't think that the Silver Arrow or the '57 Roadster is the tightest shit, get out of my face. Who cares about some silly cross promotion? It's absolutely FREE and OPTIONAL. You act like there's something sacred about the world of Mario. It's a fucking Japanese game series…
God damn. Competitive Smash Bros. fans are fucking obnoxious.
These suck. Also: INTERNET JOURNALISM. I hate that I give this site traffic, sometimes.
This is why people hate Bronies. It isn't the fact that you love a show for little girls, regardless of how "surprisingly well-written" it is. It's that you soapbox about it every chance you get. It's like you all crave the attention, positive or negative. So much so that one man's Brony-related convention purposes…
Yeah. Pay for one thing or pay for another. The big bonus is that with a new car, you can be reasonably sure that nobody has been raped/murdered/shit themselves in it.
I don't like to be that guy one the internet who goes "Am I the only one who...", but... Am I the only one who doesn't care? I've always found Ghibli movies to be overrated nonsense. Whimsical, yes, and occasionally charming, but not the masterpieces they're made out to be.
Step 1: Be internet critic (i.e. opinionated douche with a camera)
How can such a big company fail to realize how things work in the market? Wii U has been wallowing in failure and obscurity for far too long to be turned around. Public perception is far too negative, or worse, they are completely unaware the system exists and offers anything the Wii doesn't. The best they can hope…
Because when I was younger, nobody lectured me on the proper usage "Lego" as a corporate name. It's very easy to extrapolate the term "Legos" from "Lego", and most people have better things to do than be pedantic about the name of a children's toy company.
Unless you're a huge fan of Adventure Time, I just recommend you go play A Link to the Past instead. This is true for any game that seems like an homage to a Zelda game.
I might be late on this train, but I love you and your opinions, and agree with them 100%. Age of Extinction is a masterpiece of cinematic vulgarity and destruction, the likes of which I have never seen. You're never going to get anyone admit this movie is good in any way, simply because "hurrr, durrrrr, Michael Bay…
Wow, that's sad. No wonder I hated those movies so much. On the flipside, I really did like Age of Extinction, just because so much of it was violent robot action. I know the movie has plenty of naysayers, but it's honestly a masterpiece. It makes every other dumb action movie look like crap.