
You know, Ninja Turtles is one of those franchises that I love that I can never discourage. I mean, we've already gotten the BEST Ninja Turtles movie we're ever going to get, i.e. the 1990 version (and I swear I will fight you if you don't think that's the best comic book to movie adaptation ever). Everything else at

I am with you on this. Don't get me wrong, I love Peter Cullen and the whole John Wayne drawl, and I never imagined liking Primal better than Prime, but damn, Primal was a good leader and Chalk's performance was top notch. He portrayed a far more nuanced and flexible Prime than Cullen, especially since the Bay movies,

I'm with you on that man. Looking back at just how childish and pointless everything that happened to me during middle/high school was, from the bullying to the bullshit rules and regulation and the absolutely useless "education", there is no reason you should have to sit back and take this shit and be miserable every

I hear ya. Some may call you out on judging Nintendo so harshly, but it is very much deserved. The thing is, you really shouldn't have bought a Wii U. I am a diehard Nintendo fan, but lately I've found it remarkably easy to resist buying their new consoles for well over a year until they build up a library of decent

Ahhh, Nintendo characters in a simplified art style with red, tumblr noses. The only more prevalent fan-art is Nintendo characters re-imagined as being dark/gritty/in a zombie apocalypse.

Do people really do this? Sex in cars? Seems like a good way to mess up your car. I don't shampoo my carpets and condition my seats just to get bodily fluids on them. And heaven help my girlfriend if, in her throes of passion, she breaks off a piece of interior trim. I'll admit that both me and my girlfriend are on

"Over 7 minutes long and features crap animation" could be used to describe almost any anime.

Of course not. They evolved into pigs.

I can't judge accurately, seeing as how I don't know exactly where this guy parked, or what effect, if any, it would have on production of a movie, but I can't believe everyone is down on this poor guy. Maybe he parked there unknowingly. Maybe it wasn't even clearly marked. Maybe he was already there and the crew

So how much is Oculus forking over to Kotaku to hock this thing so hard? This is a pretty big novelty, and I can't imagine there being that many (talented) developers out there who are going to work this medium for all it's worth, especially before the novelty wears off. Still, I suppose there is a market for

Bringing Sonic back to his glory days, or keeping him relevant has nothing at all to do with his character design. It has to do with making good Sonic games, something which eludes the development teams, more often than not.

The PS4 and Xbone have other glaring issues, such as being totally unnecessary and redundant systems that ultimately only serve as host to the next wave of Call of Duty games. Even when they perform at their best, they'll only be mediocre. We expect more from Nintendo, so when it's been a year and three months and the

I was going to make this exact same point. It don't exactly take rocket science to figure out why the Wii U is selling like a rock.

I do the opposite of #8. I will stop at a green light sometimes. I have this long stretch of highway near my house with a ton of stop lights, and during busy days, you almost always have to stop at every one of them. Sometimes when I'm on the road and there's no one else around and I am sufficiently distracted either

Man, everyone's comin' down on America (once again), but I feel ya, Zac. Most of the fast laps on the Nurburgring are dominated by 100K+ European supercars. When a Cadillac sedan starting at 60k and a plastic Corvette built by rednecks in Kentucky are rubbin' elbows with the likes of them, it actually is impressive.

I feel like every "awesome idea" or "lifehack" I see on the internet is an idea someone had in a state of dubious sobriety and then decided to put it into action, and while it's an amusing notion, it ultimately lacks severely in practicality. You have to drink the milk first, then eat the cookie? What dimension is

You know how every month there's this one game that Kotaku's staff will create articles over every tiny insignificant quirk or feature? Last month was Bravely Default, right? Welcome to March's Flavor Of The Month.

6.) If By Obnoxious You Mean Best... Cadillac Style

I kept putting these games off because I didn't own any consoles they were playable on (Nintendo fan 4 life), or it just felt like I should wait for a sequel and play what is essentially the same game, only better. Now there's a Batmobile and that is REALLY tipping the scales, but I doubt I will shell out for a Xbone

This just in: Generation gap causes different opinions. Film at eleven.