Getting a very Arcee/Blackarachnia vibe off of Dusty here, which which means she fits the Transformers Prime mold.
Getting a very Arcee/Blackarachnia vibe off of Dusty here, which which means she fits the Transformers Prime mold.
This flavor of the month has gotten bland rather quickly. I'm ready to move on.
And, for the record... a little above halfway is where it's at.
Ray was always my favorite Ghostbuster. His awkwardness endeared him to me, that and his taste in cars, but Egon was a close second. Ray and Egon were the heart and the brain of the Ghostbusters. Winston clocks in after that, I love his everyman angle and the sensible attitude he brings to the team. I don't care for…
Are we still talking about Flappy Bird? I feel like in doing so, we're letting the terrorists win.
Gonna agree with you. I work for a transportation company where most of the drivers are Chinese, and they are fucking awful. They all have this "don't give a shit" attitude towards all facets of road safety, even more so than your average middle-aged soccer mom.
I hear this excuse a lot. It's an awful excuse. It really doesn't excuse anything, it just makes the whole industry look like shit. "It's acceptable for a JRPG to be shit because Japanese RPG enthusiasts are conditioned to the taste of shit." I've been loving Bravely Default, and I'm dreading this horrendously tedious…
Breaking news: Kotaku writer uses well-known blog as soap-box to tout his opinion while decrying that of others. Film at Eleven.
All diehard FF fans should have bought Bravely Default instead of this game. Maybe it would send a message that we'd rather have a charming RPG about saving the world than some anime wanne-be button-masher about emotional scars and reality folding in on itself or whatever these games are about these days.
Glad I wasn't the only one. You'd figure if you were going to have someone do a voiceover, you'd make sure they could at least speak.
I was thinking this. Why the hell are they teasing stuff in a graphical style that is better than the game itself?
I'm not even excited for this. Little Mac should have been in the last game, and the fact that Wii fit trainer was even considered meant that Little Mac had to be in this one, or Nintendo was asking to have their HQ burned down. Get your shit together, big N.
This is stupid. You're stupid, Nintendo. This might be considered "incentive" to buy a Wii U, but let's face it; it isn't. The average consumer isn't going to care about being able to play 10-year-old portable games on their $300 console. The only people this would appeal to are gamers, who presumably, will instead…
Nintendo realizes their gimmick is pointless and slowly starts to phase it out. Very bold indeed. Except for when it happened with the Wii. Oh, and the 3DS.
My front pockets are for my hands, duh.
Glad to see someone else is totally aware of Square's "pseudo deep crap" writing style. It's not just square, its present in most JRPGs since the turn of the century. I figured it would have run its course by now, but apparently we're still choking it down.
Everyone complains about this, but this transformation is still understandable. Have you seen the crap from the movies?
Really? Among my friends, I'm the only one who knows how to turn a wrench, and I feel like everyone is a bit jealous of my mad skillz. Especially when I tell them my brake job only cost me about 30 bucks for the parts, instead of the couple hundred they probably paid at their local mechanic. Hell, what do mechanics…
I'm pretty easy on my car, but I do oil changes between 3,000 and 5,000 miles, depending on convenience. I never let it go any further. I recently bought a car with less than 30,000 miles on it, and changing the oil is one of the simplest things to do to ensure a long life. Plus I just kind of like doing it. It's an…