
Shocking. Never would have guessed.

I always imagined Cap would prefer Indian to Harley Davidson. Oh well. At least it's American.

I dunno. The Corvette is a little too brash, bold and, well... American for the Russian ex-assassin/superspy. I imagine her car would be some kind of European supercar, rather than a fiberglass go-kart built in Kentucky. Not bashing the Stingray, I love it, but it doesn't fit.

I always liked them because I thought they were an extension of the good old days of big, V8 American coupes, I had no idea these newer models were actually FWD. To hell with them, then.

When did it become cool to hate on a movie just because it has mindless action? Sometimes, that's all I really want. And don't act like this is below all of you, don't forget you're browsing Kotaku right now. Masterpiece Theater, it ain't.

This is the space-year two-thousand-and-fourteen. You really can't look towards a Transformers movie for actual quality. However, Mark Walberg as the main human character, Kelsey Grammar as a villain, and Optimus Prime riding Grimlock and weilding a sword... worth the price of admission. If you want actual compelling

I'm gonna pipe back up and champion the V8 RWD as a first car. I only had my first car, a FWD for a few months before getting into a 1989 Cadillac Brougham. The size is great. It really isn't that stupidly large. Visibility is fantastic, as it is on most older cars, and being bigger than average forces the driver to

ah, damn, sorry, thought I was replying to a different post about a Mercury Marauder near where I live. Yeah, the Barracuda is in Westport, MA if you're interested. They'd probably like to get rid of it.

Yes, actually. I live in Westport, MA. The car I saw was at Midtown Motorsports on Route 6 in Westport, MA. 508-678-1122. I caught it out of the corner of my eye driving home the other night. May have been a Marauder, may have just been a shiny black Marquis with chrome wheels, but I could have sworn it was a

I think I saw a Mercury Marauder at a dealership up the road from me. Either that or a regular Panther that someone tarted up to look like a Marauder. Entirely plausible.

My first hand-me-down car was my mom's 1986 Cadillac Deville, which had previously been my grandpa's. Despite the much maligned HT4100 engine, the car was pretty reliable and comfy, until I smacked it into a tree while being stupid.

My parents currently have one of those rotting away in their backyard. Makes me cry a little whenever I see it.

Public perception is a huge part of marketing, both to consumers and developers. Right now, the Wii U has next to NO public perception, because a large quantity of casual gamers have no idea the Wii U even exists, or that it is a separate system from the Wii. If Nintendo were to cut their losses with the Wii U and

It came out in a timely manner, near the launch of a new system, despite hype it delivered more than expected, even with a tight development schedule. It had no unecessary features, and it was a blast and a half to play with friends. It was everything the first game was times 100.

No Batmobile parking? Pass.

Yes. You are the only person who saw AND remembers the 1986 Transformers movie. On the entire planet.

Apparently, two nukes weren't enough.

The argument must be made that their recent success has little to do with their quality. It has to do with the acceptance of the casual market and general public perception. Right now, at least half of the market that helped the Wii become successful is blissfully unaware that the Wii U even exists, and even if they


I don't like him either, but I love the Muppets so much that I don't really care what humans co-star with them, because in a Muppet film, an actor ceases to be an actor. They just sort of become a tool that the Muppets utilize for greater comedy effect. I would watch even my most hated film stars in a Muppet movie,