
Oh look, yet MORE gritty, maure fan art of the Mario Bros. franchise. Damn, the internet sure is a creative place.

Pretty sure that last guy is playing an MMO.

Wow. Zombies. How original.

How to handle roadside emergencies:

ONE game that consumed 311 hours of 2013: Pokemon X/Y.

I never imagined in a million years that I'd breed for perfect stats, but this new gen made it so easy, at least compared to what it used to be. If you're willing to put in a few hours, you can get back a perfect Pokemon, and it's kinda cool.

Damn right. Gamecube was a great little system, and only suffered from the public's perception that it only played "kiddie games". It was actually a great business model, but for some reason a good number of big wigs at Nintendo felt that the Gamecube was Nintendo's "dark age". If you ask me, the real "dark age" began

Not to belittle anyone, but you'd think if you were to put that much effort into something, you'd do it right. Those joysticks aren't good for 90% of NES games (I had an NES Advantage pad, and pretty much every game played better on a regular game pad, ESPECIALLY platformers.) And an LCD screen in the wrong aspect

My friends and I are all nerds, but I'm the only "car nerd", and none of them really enjoy or take pride in their vehicles, or their driving, so it stands to reason they all suck.

I usually support well-crafted and civilizedr rebuttals to differences of opinion, but this time? This is entirely warranted, and I agree.

I prefer the correct proportions. Don't need no chibi luigi. Toon Link, on the other hand...

Man, remember when systems used to launch with games? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

The Dreamcast had a very novel approach back in the humble year of nineteen-hundred-and-ninety-nine. Their plan was simple. It was bold. Some would even say unprecedented:

To hell with that. I love trains.

Oh my god, seconded. I have a bunch of friends that LOVE playing this game, but I can't stand it anymore. Any time there's a gathering, I end up sitting on the couch playing my 3DS, while they slog through this game for a couple of hours. You may be quick to judge me as some sort of stick in the mud with no sense of

People like this are why developers think it's okay to launch an overpriced system with no decent software. YOU'RE RUINING IT FOR THE REST OF US!

Um... Good? We need to stop treating game developers like they're irreplaceable. Japanese ones in particular. They're aging dinosaurs that only keep getting work because their franchises make money regardless of quality. Sakurai in particular. Brawl was a damned mess, and killed any enthusiasm I have for the next

I'm a pretty big Nintendo nerd, and even I didn't know this.

A while back, Nintendo said they were considering a Link to the Past sequel and a Majora's Mask remake, and it wasn't so much a question of "which", but rather, "which to do first". I'd be surprised if we didn't have Majora's Mask by this time next year.

This is cool and all, but I really like all of the "flaws" that make people think of the term "muscle car" as derogatory. As superficial as it may sound, I really just want a big, bold car with a massive V-8. I understand that a large majority of Jalopnik readers are into their track cars and tuners, and obscure