
This has to be the most useless video on the internet. First off, it should be under warranty, second, anyone who cares enough about an electronic device to fix it themselves, isn't the kind of person who bought a 2DS.

It's still a hoot, still wildly fast, but the speeds you need to do to make the car feel like it's breaking a sweat are the speeds where you'll end up in jail without a license and without a Corvette.

I never knew how old Christopher Evan Welch was, but I'm surprised he was 27 when he was voicing Tails. I was certain he had to be younger, he does a very convincing "little kid" voice.

Man, he was the definitive Luigi. I loved how in the live action segments, he was portrayed as street smart and sensible, but then in the Mushroom Kingdom he became kind of a coward. He was a great character actor. He will be missed.

So nobody at Kotaku ever got the message to stop filling the main page with MASSIVE FUCKING .GIFS? I just wanna scroll down to see more articles, but I can't because I have to load way too many frames of your fancy Japanese cartoons. It's not really necessary. At all. A regular image would do.

This is pretty pointless. Most people only use the 3DS with the internet in their own homes, in which case they have a computer that would be better suited for this. Unless you need to watch cat videos while you're on the toilet, in which case I would recommend a tablet or smart phone over this.

I came expecting offended members of the "PC Master Race" hyperactively defending their gaming platform. I was not disappointed.

The Dreamcast had a huge launch with tons of great titles. It was a system poised to do great things, but it was destroyed by Sony's customer loyalty and cheap DVD playing capabilities. This is probably the reason modern consoles think it's okay to launch and not have any good games for over a year. They expect to

Haha... yes it is.

I will have to agree with you, although that doesn't make the Wii "must-own". It just makes it "if someone held a gun to your head and told you to buy a new system, this is your best bet right now, especially because it's the cheapest."

Dreading my commute into Boston on Wednesday. There's plenty of morons on the road without the holiday travelers. Maybe I'll call in sick...

So now that the game is out, I hope we can all come back to this statement and realize how skewed it was. 5 minutes to get to the first dungeon if you consider the secret path to the sanctuary to be a dungeon. There's still a fair amount of filler and cutscenes padding out the intro to the game.

A Link to the Past is always put on a pedestal as one of the best Zelda games, if not THE best, but honestly, it was just a stepping stone. It fine tuned the formula present in the original NES game, but pretty much every other 2-D Zelda runs circles around it. I think it's a nostalgia thing, though. I never owned it,

Glad to see all this support for one of the most overlooked Zelda games in recent memory.

Amen. Somewhere along the line, so many gamers adopted the mentality that systems are defined by their specs and graphical capabilities. This is why we have companies that launch overpriced consoles with no games, because they know people out there are willing to pay through the nose for something that is little more

Consoles, consoles everywhere, but not a game to play.

Finally, someone else who understands this. Most people look at a still frame of anime and a still frame of a cartoon and say "the anime has more detail, shading and highlights, it must be better animated."

Finally, someone else who understands this. Most people look at a still frame of anime and a still frame of a cartoon and say "the anime has more detail, shading and highlights, it must be better animated."

You blow a few times onto the screen (which you've done on the DS for years), you tap a few times (ditto), but for the most part - visuals aside - this is an experience you could have had on any number of prior Nintendo platforms. Including handhelds.

Nintendo started focusing on novel gameplay mechanics and gimmicks to differentiate itself from competitors. Unfortunately, in the early days of the Wii and DS, this left somewhat shallow gaming experiences underneath, and there was widespread demand for Nintendo to drop the gimmicks and focus on gameplay. It seems