Exactly. Revolutions are not top down affairs. (Those are actually coup de tats.)
Exactly. Revolutions are not top down affairs. (Those are actually coup de tats.)
Needs to be said over and over. Start running for/voting for third party candidates for those state reps, city councilpeople, state treasurer, etc. all of those “non-glamorous” offices. A third party candidate running for local office should be as common as Dems and Republicans. Get people use to the idea of seeing…
Fellow Democrats: if you want more liberal-leaning people at the top of the ticket, you need to vote more liberal people in down the ticket. That means showing up for primaries, that means actually knowing people’s policy positions, that means writing to your representatives about issues, that means grass-roots…
Your ability to predict the future intrigues me. Give me a call.
Actually... I think the fact that Andre Dawson is in the HOF and Raines isn’t is a bigger one. Raines was better than Dawson in almost every metric (and cocaine usage).
I believe Tim Raines gave Randy Johnson the nickname “Big Unit”. If that ain’t HOF worthy, what is?
Have you actually looked at the primary results without Trump in the equation? The party wasn’t unified behind ANYONE.
To think you could oust Trump this weekend and have a nominee with broad support by next week, then get their campaign up and running within < a month we have left to go, is as crazy as Trump himself.
It isn’t that simple. Even if you throw out the internal rules issues for the party itself, the fact that we are past ballot deadlines across the country means there is no feasible route to the presidency for someone not named Trump or Clinton.
If they get a do-over, don’t the Democrats? You may recall that they had another candidate who won several states...
Oh, and also, Hillary loses is what happens. At that point the general republican base that says Trump is too much for them can embrace their more general republican candidate and crush Hillary. Remember, Trump is basically the worst person to run for office and Hillary is just eeking out victory at this point. Get…
“I’m not saying it’s her fault. I’m not! I’m not. I’m gonna tell you what...I’ll tell you...maybe, maybe, I’m just saying maybe if Hillary wasn’t so focused on her own lies and corruption and her own political ambitions – she’s had these ambitions for a long time, she’s a career politician, and that’s what they do,…
“Trumplogic” : “Please ignore these things that happened ten years ago, that’s not the person I am and I’m sorry. Instead, I implore you to focus on the things this person tangentially related to my opponent did twenty years ago, as it is 100% indicative of the character of an entirely different person.”
How long before the Trump camp trashes her for being arrested for shoplifting and her dad does nothing to defend her because ... Trump.
Spiro Agnew is an anagram for Grow A Penis.
The New England if it’s a cheating year, otherwise, an NFC team.
I am starting to think that the Republican Party doesn’t vet people all that well.
Only commie liberal PC SJW pussies wait for an event to happen before forming an opinion on it.
Of whom are you speaking? Because both candidates fit within the context of your comment.
Joe Biden is the fucking man.