Best of luck!
Best of luck!
Bucks got Delly. Represennnn.... Oh. Ugh.
This is the correct take.
Pretty sure he coulda got the money anywhere. Mighta wanted some rings.
Have fun.
The fact that they get all these meetings at all is the shocking part.
I’ll take the bait. Yes, what you say is a baser part of the human condition. Yes, that recognition of that part of us may exist. But why don’t you strive to overcome those baser urges? Come on. Join us. It’s nice being civilized and accepting instead of living in fear of the other.
Thanks for the link! That was top notch kinja!
Burneko, I say this all due respect. I love your work and agree with you generally and on this issue specifically. But how in the fuck can you stand to write for a sports blog when you hate pretty much everything about sports.
Yeah, but Gabby was/is a Dem, so the parties who really matter don't give a shit.
Nope, not Rambo. He was Eye-talian, a little too swarthy for these folks. Substitute a Clint Eastwood character.
True. What if these gay nightclub-goers were fetuses, though.
Yup. These needledicks wet dream of Louis L’Amour novels every night.
But a brown one, so terrorism.
Truth! I don’t know why we give him a forum. He’s in the business of selling fucking guns, not having a reasoned debate or considering the public interest. Selling guns. Full stop. And we let him respond to every tragedy like he has something constructive to share. Fucking shameful.
Omg, someone please photoshop that thing from Drumpf’s head onto Bibi’s.
Truly a banner series for nutshots. With Delly and Dray, Chris Paul is loving these Finals.