
This site can get fucked. What am I supposed to call my dad’s sister’s kids? Seriously, this is ridiculous.

I’m one of those Yankee fans people hate. I will bask in the glory of how great the team is, no matter how much the rest of the baseball world feels. I loathe those two.

My god people. Is really that bad? No, it is not that bad. Settle the fuck down.

How dare he! Doesn’t he know white people are not allowed to have a sense of hunor about anything because white people are horrible, and are the reason for everything bad in this world!? Check your privilege bro!!

Oh fuck yeah!! I normally loathe the dickhead Yankee fans. But fuck that. I say fuck and yes. We are gonna win 10 series in a row. 1 or 2 pitchers, and you might as well not bother playing!! This team is gonna hit 500 homers this year!! Wooooooo!!

Not a hall of famer? How could you really think that? 2 Super Bowls. Top ten in passing yards and touchdowns. Will prob be top 5 if he plays a couple more years. Never missed a game. Not a hall of famer?

Oh fuck yes, this better mean Cool Runnings 2!

Umm. I really don’t get why this is frowned upon.

Probably salty he wasn’t gettin targets.

It’s Wisconson. Should we write to the gov’t. and complain the state isn’t diverse enough. Why does race have to come into this? I bet you thought it was clever. “Hey loogit. Wisonson has sooooooo many white people. And they’re fat white people. Hey loogit me. White people, am I right?”

You can’t really blame Eli here. The two years they won the super bowl they had multiple pro bowl offensive linemen and a decent running game.

This is the gayest thing i’ve ever read.

When were the Dodgers Cards and Reds in the American league?

Of course this fuckin site would bring politics into this.

Yeah, this is bullshit. Only people who’s political opinions I disagree with should be disciplined.

Who gives a fuck??!!!

Maybe, just maybe, some these people might have logical viewpoints? I know it sounds crazy, that someone who doesn’t label themselves as liberal, might have a good point.

It’s game about killing nazis. The franchise has been around for a long time. That’s what you do. Kill real nazis. Problem is extreme left wingers will call anyone who disagrees with them a nazi.

Cool. Another diversity program for the sake of diversity. It’s not like these people aren’t allowed to have these positions. If they think they are qualified, then try to get some these jobs. If they’re the best man/woman for the job they should get it.

We’re awesome and have freedoms a lot of places don’t.