
Most killings are done by criminals, or mentally usnstable people who have obtained their weapons illegaly. These are not law abiding citizens. There are regulations. The people who follow those regulations aren’t killing people. Most if those numbers are from gang violence. A lot of gun deaths are also suicides. All

Considering they won by 9, prob not a lot.

Ok. So this means nothing now. It has become a publicity stunt.

Treated real bad. Like being elected president twice. Or there’s one black woman i can think of who is a billionaire. Or being able to make millions of dollars playing sports. Free rides to colleges for playing sports. Or being a good student in general. Yep. Sure must suck not having the same chance to succeed lime

I feel like it’s more an economical injustice. More white people get killed by cops. They also happened to live in poorer neighborhoods. Just like black people who live in poorer neighborhoods, it’s where the most crime is. If this country is sooooo racist, then black guys and gals wouldn’t be allowed to make millions

As always I enjoyed the article, as I have enjoyed your writing for many years since KSK. But for the love of sweet Jesus, stop with the fucking garbage political hot FUCKING TAKES! It’s everywhere! Facebook, horrible cable news channels! Just once I’d like to read a funny sports article and not have to read about how

The difference is it’s ok as long as it’s a certain viewpoint.

Shots rang out. Cops don’t know what’s going on. Maybe it was in a high pressure situation, and they could have felt threatened. Are they supposed to know who he is right away, and remain calm when there could be more shooting at any moment?

I don’t like the whole kneeling thing, even though it is his right to do so. Having said that, how do teams not sign him, but will gladly sign or keep players that have commited actual crimes? If the whole basis these days for my watching football wasn’t tied to gambling, i would say fuck this game.

As long as people are willing to take the money to play, it’ll still be around.

I feel like this site wants someone to sign Keapernick so bad, it would blow it’s load all over the place if that happened.

Is it equal when star atheletes commit crimes and barely get any punishment? Dante Stallworth killed a guy driving drunk. Still played. Josh Brent killed his friend. 180 days in jail. Constant reports of domestic abuse. Couple of games suspended. Any average joe ain’t gettin off that easy. Is that equality?

I laughed most of time. This is the best. Seriously. Let’s embrace however long this might go on. Then, maybe D.C. will get it’s shit together and start trotting out candidates who aren’t playing for a specific team, but actually tries to do what’s best for EVERYONE.

Sick burn brah

I do love these reviews. Beats reading horrible political pieces everyone is shitting out. Still gotta squeeze in the Nazi reference to anyone who isn’t a flaming lib, but still, good shit.

This is dumb. Stop suspending people for having emotions. He was mad. Used a poor choice of words. That automatically means he hates the gay? Nope.

He’s not really the worst person ever. I think we’re exagerating a bit here. He’s just a very annoying person.

Let’s just keep erasing history

How bout play a guy, and you’ll find out who’s best?

Racism bad. Slavery is acceptable.