
Uh, yeah, when I watch football I do so to watch football. If I wanted to see some Social Justice Warrior shit, I’d do something besides watch football.

Careful, Yesha Callahan trolls comment sections just waiting to call someone a racist, you racist!

Hmmmmm but it’s hard to choose. Guy who kept his wife hostage in his mansion vs guy who says bad words. I know, it’s a tough one.

Ignoring the fact that Mayweather is also a racist saying about Manny Pacquiao
that he’d “cook that little yellow chump” and “make that mother f——- make me a sushi roll and cook me some rice.” Oh, and he’s a habitual woman beater.

Yes because being racist is far worse than beating the tar out of a woman in fro t of her child

lol the black community caring about homphobia

nothing has changed, black people don’t like gay people

What General Motors Did To Flint

FLINT, Mich.—Before its faucets ran brown, before its residents were poisoned by lead, before it was Murdertown USA,

It’s obviously different because those are little rich kid assholes. The other are wonderful role models we should all look up to, so why would you not want to know who’s looking good?

Yeah, that’ll teach teenagers that gossiping about others’ appearances in private conversations is bad! I’m sure it will never happen again!