
Maybe this is a generational divide, but I assumed “written it down immediately” meant the Notes app on his phone. Because no, people don’t usually bring a pen and paper into a Portapotty these days.

He didn’t seem afraid of criticism from Biden supporters his first episode back.

Those responsible for canceling the cancellation special have been canceled.

They seem to be mostly eating corn? And there was a lot of jello at that wedding feast. Lotta carbs/sugar + not a lot of exercise could certainly do that.

Xelia Mendes-Jones identifies as he/they, there’s actually a notable lack of female BoS shown

Came here to make sure this was mentioned. Definitely my favourite use of their stuff.

Now playing

Did I miss the mention of Person of Interest?

Geez. So I suppose ritual seppuku is a great cultural practice and it’s a shame that its not a regular practice anymore. I’m sure modern japanese think this as well. Or slavery was a great thing and other cultures or countries shouldn't comment on it. Give your head a shake and use some common sense.

Huh? People from all generations can think weddings themed around entertainment franchises are stupid.

Oh my. Yes, is definitely the reasoned response of a completely non-crazy person. 

I haven’t read the books, but from what I’ve heard it’s more inspired by them than a direct adaptation. The Mule has only been briefly introduced in season 2, setting him up as probably the big bad of season 3.

In retrospect, what John Stewart’s run on the Daily Show did most was to highlight the futility of his particular brand of satire. That haughty, white, urban, affluent, college educated, Northeastern, always acting like they’re above-it-all, “I’m basically a moderately liberal Democrat but I come from a generation

Go back to Logic class, because your ‘argument’ is circular and unsound.

She didn’t say she supports Hamas. She says she is against Palestinian civilians being killed which you appear to be very much in favor of.

It wasn’t a perfect show by any means perfect, but my kids and I enjoyed it. Far better than TBoBF and OWK. 

Speaking of misremembering, I’m amused Barsanti wonders about the hyperspace tracking here in reference to Last Jedi but seems to have completely forgotten how the Empire tracks the Falcon in the original movie.”

I was waiting for someone to mention this. It’s not like it’s the entire reason the third act of one of

Last Jedi order of events:

I feel like you’re implying something.

The only reason someone should return an acting award is if it turns out it’s not actually their performance, somewhat like Milli Vanilli and their Grammy. This obviously hasn’t happened yet, and isn’t likely to any time soon, but I suppose we could get to a point where actors are replaced with computer generated

The clones emperors are an invention of the show so the books wouldn’t give any indication of how anything plays out.