
They also refer to them as "they" in the show. The dumbest corners of the internet are totally going to be chill about this.

He is the Elon Musk of music.

Yeah, it’s jarring that Bad Batch airs the same day and one can see the difference in quality every week. Ill keep watching mandalorian, because spacecowboy, but I really look forward to Wednesday evening tv because of bad batch.

Holmes made Kissinger look like an idiot, that gives her a lot of points in my book.

One episode I was deeply impressed by were the DC Sniper ones. I hate True Crime Entertainment with a passion, so I put this one of until I had listened to All other YWA episodes, and it was just a fascinating story, because they focus on the humans in the story, not the CSI-shit.

I would have agreed with you 2 years ago, but one of the weirder parts of the Podcast-era has been that Paris Hilton is actually doing some excellent reporting about abusive “Troubled Teen Facilities”, that gets her a lit of points in my book.

Honestly, I dont think the reviewer has a problem with people enlisting after 9/11, just with the fact that it has become kind of a trope in tv and movies, and is just very simple writing. “He (re)enlisted after 9/11" is tv-shorthand for “he loved his country, and wanted to make the world a better place, and

Jesus, Rep. Omars build is a goddamn tank. I mean, “The Squad” is already intimidating enough for basement-dwelling ghouls like me, and now that PC is emasculating my gaming PC as well.

She literally says “I got raped” in this episode. And the CCTV (after she comes out of the room, and leans against the wall) was pretty clear as well.

Agree... sadly i dont think this follows the Arkham series "They haven't trusted us since Jim died", Batgirl not in a wheelchair... 

I mean... the only thing I find unbelievable about this story is how believable it is.

SpaceOctopus/West 2020

I like to think of racism like porn. Hard to define, but easy to recognize.

Yes, I kept scrolling and scrolling to find this. It’s nice to see them get their happy ever after - ending, especially if you, like me went through an Uncharted 1-3 marathon beforehand.

This was always posted in my med school Facebookgroup before every single exam by a friend of mine. The best part about this is that this is in Germany, and few people have actually seen the movie here (it’s not really a dubbable* movie, imo) so the continuous repetition of a joke that no one gets just added a very


Arent his horns a bit shorter in the last scene? Don't tell me if I'm wrong, please.

I rewatched a few Bond movies a while back, and yeah there is some horrible junk out there, but those movies are sort of logical progressions from the others (Roger Moore movies got more Roger Moory), and at least fun to make fun of.

As a ESL-speaker, contractions are easy, and Herzog not using them is just very Herzogian, not in any way language-skill related.

Well, that’s just a matter of punctuation