
I’m not a native speaker, and having studied the language as a foreign language, I might actually know more about this.

I still dont get the outrage about that “had the South won the war”-show. Well, I kind get the outrage, but i don’t get how “The Man In The High Castle” never gets criticized for whats a pretty similar concept.
I mean were there more infos about that show? are the confederates the good guys fighting an evil

The “Person of Interest”-line was pretty meta, and didn’t really work. But it made me happy, because PoI was an amazing show.

I think the craziest thing about this show is the ability to have so much cheap fan service+sexploitation+shipping that just works beautifully and on all levels. Take note GoT!

First the media made Mozart an Austrian, then Hitler a German and now this! 

Happy about this, AC is a bit like a decent Cheeseburger. Nothing ground breaking or innovative, but sometimes fast food is all you need from life.

That year had... “Digital Witness” by St. Vincent, that amazing War On Drugs Album, a great Future Islands album, (Hold Steady, FKA Twigs and Perfume Genius deserve more than honorable mentions) and a great U2 album (not owning any apple products I bought it and could just enjoy for what it was).

Honestly, I was never that into CK, I saw one Netflix special where he talks about how maybe having a peanut allergy means that you just aren’t meant to live. It’s a horrible thing to say, and not particularly funny or ingenious, yet I laughed my ass off about it because the delivery was beyond perfect. I think it’s a

how a rambunctious sing-along to R.E.M.’s “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” smacks of white supremacy”

I really loved the minutiae of the fake bombing... faking a flooding to have an excuse to carry all those sandbags in, and directing the blast towards the window... I enjoywatching smart people being good at their job.

I raised my eyebrows at that as well, either just say “biological men” or “cisgender men and transgender women”... I mean I actually dont give a shit, it just seems like an unnecessary hoop that was badly jumped through. And we Germans hate inefficiency. 

I got into Wilco through my dad... which is probably the most Wilco-thing possible.

Ive never heard that, and I’m German. Here “Extrawurst” translates to “special treatment” ... someone who always demands something extra, always wants an "Extrawurst"

Germany also has the very thuringerlike Thüringer Bratwurst.

Don’t forget George Miller, who financed Mad Max by working an absurd amount of shifts as an ER doctor.

One of the best things about this show is that it makes me feel unique. As I am apparently the only person in the history of everything whose first Star Trek experience is this show.