
Not for nothing, but if the farmers figured out they could rape their tractors, I’m betting they would.

Who’s runnin’ this country, Stevie Wonder?

Every other part of this season have been shockingly direct and brave talking about the alt-right. They’ve earned a little benefit of the doubt.

Firstly, the European Union has a population of about 520 million, whereas the US is at 330 million. So the fact that we have roughly the same number of total deaths is in fact a shocking sign of how poorly we’ve done.

Actually, I think it’s a pretty fair commentary on how prevalent feminist and antiracist rhetoric has become and how easy it is for people who don’t genuinely believe what they’re saying to say “the right things” to advance in their professions. As far as we know, the whole “casual contempt for authority and

What really worries me is that aside from the set up shot, there isn’t anything to even hint at character dynamics or where any of the four speak. I’m not feeling this is a story-driven game, which would suck so bad as I’ve been dying to get that damn Nightwing game.

Glad you are recapping this show, @Joelle Monique. I very much enjoyed your work on The Watchmen recaps.

I honestly wish there was footage of the cast, in their costumes and hair styles, confronting Bryan Singer. That must have been hilarious to watch. 

How is that the same? A statue honors something and people aren’t given a choice to opt-in on it. You have to seek out a tv show on a streaming service.

AV Club reviewed that episode and called that particular bit “brilliant.” Now suddenly it’s awful. In actuality the bit is quite funny and is actually about the character being completely oblivious to his white privilege.

Just watched it last night...loved it!

Lol, fuck off.  You have no legs to stand on.

I wouldn’t do the time jump (it would make things awkward if they do another crossover) and I would use the first episode to, basically, explain why Kate left Gotham just like her cousin. Probably because she realized that she can’t go to war with her own father and she’s too close to her sister to do what needs to be

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Can’t believe it’s been 10 years since RDR. Both it and its sequel are brilliant achievements. (Could Rockstar remake Red Dead Revolver some day?)

This article was brought to you by the campaign to elect Bernie Sanders.

Shadow Republican? Billionaire bootkisser?

I like how Sam Bee did it on Wednesday. She had her staff write jokes for her that she didn’t get ahead of time so she was reading from the prompter blind.  Watching her try not to crack up after some of the jokes about herself they wrote was pretty funny

I have something to pitch you, what would you think about a version of Hannibal where the same story happens, but Leslie Knope is Hannibal, Ann is Will, Ron is Jack, Ben is Bedelia, Chris is Alana, Andy and April are Margot and Mason respectively, Tom is Chilton, Jamm is Freddie, Li'l Sebastian is Abigail, that's all

And that's why they're not headlining.

Ann generally hasn't had much to do in the show, but oh man, she's great with Leslie. Leslie's a character that needs to please, and it's nice to see that on more of a personal friendship level here; they both genuinely care for and admire each other, and Ann's just as important to Leslie's character as Ben is.