
It’s worth noting that this convention in comics was established during the late ‘60s and ‘70s, when “black power” was a significant social movement. In that cultural context, “black” implied cool and dynamic. Yes, it was still a stereotype, but it was a new, progressive and positive stereotype, breaking away from

Did you mean Black Condor not Black Falcon? I think the last two were native American, but I could be wrong.

With the ability to pay for in-game advantages temporarily disabled, aren’t you being shielded from having to deal with pay-to-win players? At the moment, nobody can try to take advantages of the microtransactions people were complaining about, so of course nobody can experience the negative effects.Something similar

Arrest you and put you where? A local jail is still a jail. Maybe I’m mistaken, but I believe she’s talking about the whole carceral enchilada. If you tell a cop who’s trying to stop you from kicking somebody’s ass to fuck off, then what?

Thank you, I needed a good laugh today

OK, then where do we put the murderers, rapists and child molesters? This miniscule population is still a number of people that need to be dealt with. I sure as fuck don’t want them as neighbors around my family.

It’s not a terrible tune, it’s an unsingable tune if you’re not a really good singer. But this is true of most 18th-century rousers. The verses to “Rule Britannia” are unsingable too, and you’re just not going to tell me that “Rule Britannia” is a sucky tune.

OK, I’m going to crap in this punch bowl and just point out that the objections to the SSB as racist are based entirely on the factual mention of slavery in the third verse, probably only because of the rhyme. That is, saying Francis Scott Key was making a point of glorifying slavery is nonsense. There are plenty of

I’m sorry, I’m supposed to be mad at the Swift camp for being pissed off at hacky journalists labeling her as the poster child for white supremacy? I just cannot fathom why people keep saying the left is its own worst enemy.

How are you gonna blame Taylor Swift for moron racists liking and finding hidden nonexistent messages in her music? That piece that Meghan Herning wrote is hot garbage, and if you think Taylor Swift should just accept being accused of being a racist and intetionally providing the music of the alt-right, you’re a

Indeed. She’s plenty awful and mean spirited towards political rivals, but this idiot chose to go after her for a position she hasn’t taken.

Right-wingers and conservatives have long dismissed Assata Shakur as a “cop-killer,” but feminists of color and black activists like Cornel West and Angela Davis have maintained her innocence and consider her a symbol of black liberation and feminism.

Apartheid doesn’t mean “not free”. It means that there is a people not permitted to participate in the political life of the country. Since Israeli Arabs vote and are in the Knesset, it’s not apartheid. It might not be nice, it might be discriminatory, but it’s not apartheid.

This website is highly critical of people on a consistent basis for one tweet, one post, or one statement. I can recall numerous articles, posts, etc., about individuals who would otherwise be “woke” deserving harsh criticism because of such tweets, posts, statements, etc.

Yep. Sarsour has serious issues in that area and glossing over them does not do anyone any favors. Giving her a pass means she’ll never improve while it also hurts Jewish liberals who already have to deal with antisemitism from the left and the right as is.

Tragically there are also those who have figured out how to get away with antisemitism by claiming to merely be “anti-zionist” which muddies the waters even further.

Hahahaha. This is such bullshit. There’s no part of Sarsour’s persona or logic that isn’t troublesome. I started writing out a whole thing, but no. She knows exactly what the anti-Semetic dog-whistles that she uses mean. She has no nuance and never responds to any legitimate criticism, instead claiming to be

Wow. You don’t even hide her gross comments about other women and antizionism. Also, her antizionism is antisemitic considering she only has a problem with a Jewish state and not a Muslim state, nor is she calling for a United Yugoslavia last that I heard. When you believe that ethnic groups and religious groups (say,