
But in addition to regular online spite, at the heart of the impulse to post negative, made-up reviews on Yelp is the implicit idea that it can create change; that by discouraging people from going to a restaurant because its owner is homophobic, we can discourage people from being homophobic at all.

Because it’s reasonable to know who’s entering the country, why they want to enter it, what their plans are, and how long they plan on staying.

Argh. Can I get paid to paraphrase Reddit posts, too?

This study also proves that science reporting remains horrible with articles written off press releases and “citations” that merely lead to other articles about the same press releases.

Question to Hillary fans:

In both the 2008 and 2016 primaries, people who didn’t support Clinton were attacked as “Obama Boys” or “Bernie Bros”, and any substantial critique of Clinton on policy or rhetoric was dismissed as sexism. Clinton was made to be a stand-in for all women, a signifier rather than the kind of weird paranoid neocon

Yep, Hillary is the real victim here, totally.

There are a lot of Fiat 500s in my area, and Chevy Sparks too. I think an Up! would do plenty well in the urban areas of the US, especially because it’s better than a 500 or a Spark!

To be fair, this is more in the class of the Fiat 500 than the fortwo or iQ. Significantly bigger, but not a huge success.

Charles Manson didn’t kill anyone. Graham Spanier and Lou Anna Simon didn’t molest anyone. Cardinal Law also didn’t molest any altar boys. Jerry Jones and Roger Goodell didn’t commit domestic violence.


That is exactly what the study says it doesn’t do. From the article

Lol this is the Hillary stans take. Not that their fave allowed a woman to be sexual assaulted but oh no, this gives the Bernie faction ammo :(

Doctor Faiza Hussainis the current wielder of Excalibur and debuted in 2008. She is a fantastic character and is one of my favorite less used side characters.

I give them the benefit of doubt for this one and say the mean the first Muslim character having her own series. But just for fun, let’s see who came before Ms. Marvel. Kamala Khan made her debut in 2014. Dust from X-Men in 2002. Probably the first (but definitely the most cliche) would be the original Arabian Knight

No need for the snark, dude you’re better then that.

It was also the haphazard way she did it. She broke her oath but didn’t do it in a way that distinguished between data or made sure to limit harm. She just data dumped, and data dumped to a really shitty human being who manipulated her.

What’s even scarier is that some people believe she’s actually qualified to be a Senator. She’s never held public office or been in a position of leadership of any kind.

Like your race can’t side with the Dark Lord and not expect to be treated differently.

>>>>”As someone who grew up in Ivory Coast I can think of countless cultural and societal differences with the countries around it, let alone a country like South Africa.”