
Amen! Star Trek is only a lie if we let it become one!

It’s a major bummer of an answer, and the fact he’s not wrong makes it even more depressing. —Rob Bricken

So I was there and you guys keeps writing about BP’s “standing ovation”... That didn’t happen. I mean a few people decided to stand but I think you’re being a bit dramatic. Anyways, I’ve spoken my peace. Do with it as you will...

The thing that gets me is that anyone reporting it will have either wilfully truncated the quote to change the meaning - which is bad journalism, or have copied the quote from elsewhere without fact checking properly - which is bad journalism. But like I said, it makes for a punchier headline.

Why in god’s name are they taking Justice League, JL Unlimited AND Young Justice off!?!?!?! Young Justice 3 hasn’t even been released yet!?!?! WHY

So now you’re trying to justify cheating? Being alone with a baby is not a reason to cheat. The guy is wrong in not going for any blame at first and insulting her but so are you in trying to pin it all on him to and excusing the cheating.

Nah fuck her, she cheated on me during my deployments and that’s why we got a divorce not because we were both dicks.

For me (this is just me) if I saw you getting your picture taken standing somberly by the Wall, I’m thinking (somberly is key word here) “This guy is getting his picture taken by a moving, poignant piece of history and he’s absorbing it”. (I’ve been there, it made me cry).

Eh that’s probably the least weird scenario. Personally I found that people taking selfies or even asking their photo to be taken outside of the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam was a much more jarring sight. And I feel like taking a tourist getting their picture in the middle of a prayer service is just rude, and can

Maybe because I’m old, but I think it would be incredibly distasteful to have your picture taken at the gates of a concentration camp - selfie or conventional. Why do you need such a picture? And some of the selfies and conventional photos people have taken at these places are so tone deaf to the meaning of the place.

DeRay McKesson Leaves Actual Job To Focus On Ego Masturbation and Shameless Public Self-Promotion

No, a man was accused of a rape 6 or so months after it allegedly happened and neither the University nor the DA’s officer found anything to give them reasonable suspicion that it actually happened. The alleged victim did go to police but declined to have it investigated when it became clear that it would most likely

I believe the details were for a somewhat brutal rape, something that would have been comparatively easy to prove due to the severity of it, had it been brought to the Police.

In addition, most of the witnesses that came forward were pretty much discounted as being incredibly unreliable, one of which was interviewed on

I’m curious as to why every single reply to this post assumes that a rape took place.

It appears as if most, if not every commenter has very to the conclusion that he is guilty. Unless I missed something in the linked article, were the details of the alleged rape ever made public?

Okay, so she accused the guy, he was found not guilty by the investigation by the university... but everyone still assumes that he was actually guilty. Why? What is the point of any investigation if you don’t respect the answers they come to?
From what I recall of this case when it first came up, there were legitimate

Hmmm... That’s funny, I seem to remember Baghdad being located in Iraq, not Afghanistan.

Not that I disagree with your overall point, but doesn’t the Jungle Book take place in the Indian jungle?

The story of Aladdin comes from 1001 Arabian nights. And that work is actually a collection of stories from throughout the middle east and India. The Aladdin story wasn’t even an original part of the 1001 Arabian nights. It was added by a French author in the 1800s. It’s no more authentically Arab than The Jungle

Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been