
but don’t cover how he’d show up, considering Steve’s sacrifice in the climax of the first movie.

Because people like Peter Parker. I know Miles Morales is the “it” character, along with Kamala Khan, among fans of diversity (and rightfully so, as they aree both excellent characters), but that doesn’t mean studios should feel forced to toss aside one of the most iconic characters of all time.

The makers of this

You realize, given the rest of the art around the Ghostery pic, that that’s likely Ghostery’s image, right?

uBlock Origin.

Sounds more like something Bullock would do...

I get that this is a bit unusual, but isn’t it a good thing? It’s a problem that these tentpoles are so thoroughly displayed before their release; you can count on most major blockbusters nowadays to release complete synopses of the first two acts of their film, along with brief shots of the climax, months before they

They do have places outside of Cali, but then you run into two major issues. The first being the talent pool in other parts of the country won’t be as great since there aren’t as many jobs to be had. The other one is that it is much harder to convince someone to move from Cali to North Dakota (a few firms have tried

Or, you know, you could allow construction of buildings taller than four or five stories. That’d be a quick way to fix it. But then, that might ruin the “character” of the neighbor by allowing the “undesirables” to move in.

Miles Morales would have required a THIRD origin story retelling in 15 years for one of the super heroes who is most filmed and a large part of the super hero zeitgeist that has created the current super hero cinematic multi-verse.

Long outlandish take is long and outlandish.

The movie already has a diverse cast. How can it possibly do better? By having a 33 year old play someone half his age?

Even more frustrating, Donald Glover, who campaigned for the lead in Spider-Man: Homecoming,

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!

Please help me unpack this. (Black person here, btw). Is the upset centered on the fact that:
- Spiderman wasn’t black. (sorry but Donald Glover is too old to play high school)
- The costars weren’t more flushed out.
- The romantic leads were the usual Hally Berry types.

“If Spider-Man Unlimited was the Spidey take on Batman Beyond done horribly wrong, Spider-Man 2099 is it done oh so right.”

3 straight critical flops? The first Amazing Spider-Man received a rotten tomatoes score of 72% and was deemed certified fresh. I wouldn’t consider that a critical flop.

I feel like you could have boiled this whole article down to:

Dammit i09, you forgot to rank the Brown Widow.

They’re not protesting Trump, they’re protesting capitalism.

It’s probably fair to add “good” editors in there.