
I was reading about WHY American Aluminum is more expensive than Canadian Aluminum. It all comes down to energy costs. The ore to make Aluminum is cheap and the vast majority of the cost to make it is all the electricity needed to refine it. Canada has a lot of cheap electricity because of dams, windmills and nukes.

Would have made more sense than a lot of people think. Honda is already seen as an upmarket alternative to Nissan. Nissans usually start about 10% to 20% less than comparable Hondas out the door - and they finance anyone with a pulse, sell to fleets, and use scammy sales tactics that Honda won’t do to preserve its

Right? How do we know that he’s not driving it like a giant raging asshole and other people are just giving him a taste of his own medicine? A gold wrapped Cybertruck with a QR code plastered on the back is very recognizable. 

Having spent time in India, which has similar horn etiquette to Tel Aviv, my belief is that it’s used as sort of echo-location. Everyone can tell where/how far away the vehicles are based on a combination of doppler effect, and beeping frequency (number of beeps per minutes, not auditory frequency).

This was my thought. It had nothing to do with his vehicle choice, that’s just Masshole drivers’ status quo.

See, now THAT is clever, and funny. Stickering someone’s car is a dick move, but putting a business card like that under the wiper is gold.

Are you from Detroit? I drive in from the other side of the mitten a few times a year and mentally prepare like I’m about to die historic on the Fury Road.

In the couple of trips I made to Massachusetts I didn’t really notice any level of hostility, even for my slow-poke driving style, except for one cab driver who wanted me to hurry along.

That is irrelevant to the truck, that is just Massachusetts drivers.

Perhaps there are some missing details but it doesn’t sound like he tried to use it as a trade for something else. It sounds like he went back and tried to just get a refund. As anyone who has ever bought a car knows, you can’t just drive it around for a while and then bring it back to the dealer and get a refund.

I saw this guy in Steamboat Springs, CO (as if the iconic sign didn’t give it away) two days before Christmas having more fun than is probably allowed under the law. He was only parallel to the road lines maybe 20% of the time. Huge smile.

I keep a handful of business cards for one of those “We Buy Junk Cars for Cash” places in my glovebox just in case I see one of these parked nearby. Figure they could use the awareness.

I hate Nazi Musk as much as the next dude, and I dislike CyberTurds plenty, but people suck if they thinking harassing a person over their purchase is even remotely close to acceptable. He wanted attention, clearly, but any hate he gets should be limited to his ostentatious choices, not his barely tenable association

There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.

what you don’t know is that there was already a 50% tariff on American made vehicles that are shipped over there so 10% ADDITIONAL not that big of a deal

The left hand is probably quite busy, given how much flapping the right hand is doing. Deleting CDC data, suppressing news of the bird flu passing to humans, cutting the budget for NOAA and hiding climate change data, etc, etc, etc.

Remember: With enough money, you can fully insulate yourself from any ill effects, no matter how many people your decisions kill.

China will “concede” something they’re already doing, Trump will take credit for it, and his base will eat it up.

Swirled but clean paint still looks better than dirty paint. 

Counterpoint, for $30-$44/month (more if you want) I can get unlimited car washes, and my kids love going through it. Doesn’t take long, is fun to do and keeps your car clean while not wasting water. I don’t have the unlimited plan as I don’t care that much, but I work right around the corner, so I really could take