
That’s a good point, which does beg the question of where the purchase came from. It says “the government” which probably doesn’t mean Biden himself, but was it related to something his administration is working on? Is it coming from elected officials (like a legislative sub-committee) or from non-elected

that thinks Trump wouldn’t be the one to use this system to

Jalopnik on Wednesday “big dumb dummy Trump thinks hydrogen cars are gonna blow you up”

1st Gear: I’m down for Pete to stay on with Harris if that’s an option.

Back during COVID I was trying to sell my e39 M5 and while I wasn’t particularly worried about COVID, I was trying to be somewhat smart about it (I had a 2 year old and 8-month old at home at the time). I was asking the high end of fair market value for an M5 at the time and not in a real rush to sell. After a month

Normally I’m not about escalating issues to police if it get’s handled, but I would be so heated, I would have called them and be hoping something bad happened when they showed up, but that’s just my knee jerk reaction.

I wonder if the police would have shown up if she told them that they intentionally attacked her with their car, and that she was afraid for her safety.

I swear I see KIA K5s absolutely everywhere. They must be doing KIA a lot of good.

You’re using this logic against EVs, but technically, even if you bought another ICE car, you’d be in the same boat. And I’m guessing you’d put the same fight about it being a gas car, right?

Do you really need L2 charging? I charge off a standard 15 amp outlet and get about 50 miles worth of range on an overnight charge.

Range is not the only or even the main thing holding people back. It is the cost.

1st gear:
This is what happens when you go from an automotive company to a holding company.

I saw this same shit happen decades ago when I worked at one of the big box home improvement stores and later a mom and pop lumberyard for a few years after I graduated college and moved to California when the dot-com imploded (

Range is less of an issue than recharging speed and infrastructure (for longer trips). I can charge, overnight, at home, and that would work fine, 330-340 days a year. It’s those 15-25 other days that create the huge psychological hurdle, where I’m trying to go 200+ miles in one day.

This man is the largest threat to humanity that exists.

That should be his election challenger’s entire advertisement.

Lotsa truth right there. Squids always raise the awareness factor.

Quiet pipes means you have the faster bike on the street. Without being loud, you are totally ignored by the local constabulary. After 3 1/2 decades of loud and quiet bikes I go for the quiet bike and hoon the shit out of it.

I’m so tired of this. Helmets are safer. Loud pipes don’t save lives they just annoy the shit out of everyone else.

Technically, I’m not required to wear one, but I’ve heard some stuff hit my helmet hard - rocks, beetles, horse flys, random things I never saw... They hit HARD. I can’t imagine taking that crap directly to the face or noggin, much less taking a header into asphalt. Sure, I’ve been know to go without while putting