That whole McDonalds story is a tremendous example of how a corporation would prefer to dump money into PR than actually do the right thing after they screw up because they deemed the PR cheaper.
That whole McDonalds story is a tremendous example of how a corporation would prefer to dump money into PR than actually do the right thing after they screw up because they deemed the PR cheaper.
Before anyone says anything about the frivolity of the McDonald’s case, go look at the pictures.
They should be banned forever from doing anything with cars. And I don’t mean just the company Cruise, but everyone from the very top down to middle managers who aren’t engineers and hired as such.
It comes just about a year after a pedestrian accident in northern California stopped operation nationwide.
I think this is a Gen X question. I’m Gen X, and my first subway ride was in the late 70s in New York, back when they were averaging something insane like a murder every night and the car was wall to wall graffiti. Busses were not much better. Entertainment was full of horror stories about subways and inner…
Just to be contrarian, I’ll share a story that is not sketchy in the least. I lived in NYC for 6 years. Probably one of the first friends I made after moving there alone was a homeless (or possibly barely housed) man named Lloyd who would ask for change on the same train (the N train to Astoria) most days. He had a…
I’ve got a ton of them; here are some:
When I was in Philly and my then GF, now wife was in Bmore we would alternate going back and forth on the weekends. I took greyhound a few times, but after one time I couldn’t get a ticket due to system issues and I took Amtrak, I never took greyhound again and likely never will. I left after and made it before my bus…
Telescopes should be in space to start with.
Friday Morning of an election year, time to shit on Elon and anything he can be associated with.
Can’t say I have ever had a sketchy experience on actual “public transit” aka public buses, commuter rail, and subways. I have used it in every major city in the country, and a surprising number of not that major ones - like Cleveland as an example. I avoid using the NYC subway, but that is personal preference more…
So we should abandon the progress so some nerd can look into a telescope? Send your telescopes into space its better that way anyway.
First time in a big city like Chicago visiting my brother, we took some acid and went to a Gorillaz concert, taking the CTA home later that night. While on the CTA we noticed a large group of rowdy teenagers all dressed up, likely coming home from a party all drunk. It was just us and them on one car.
Maybe not public transit per se, but...
Porsche 997 was able to do this in 2005 with good ole fashioned doors.
You’re gonna have to get off my back about manual releases.
Burning alive because you can’t manually release the doors in your Cyber Truck is tight!
This is all a buncha nothing. Those emergency latches aren't hard at all to use. Super easy, barely an inconvenience.
Ah!! Seeing Ryan’s face and the WHOOPSIE just made my day, lmao.