Less than a pound of meth, less than a pound of MDMA, and less than half a pound of THC are only worth $100k if they’re dipped in gold, platinum, and uranium.
Less than a pound of meth, less than a pound of MDMA, and less than half a pound of THC are only worth $100k if they’re dipped in gold, platinum, and uranium.
Battery-powered cars and light trucks will account for just nine percent of industry deliveries in the U.S. this year. That’s down from the previous forecast of 12.4 percent.
Pricing parity, particularly absent aggressive government incentives, is still “many years away,” according to Mercedes CEO Ola Kallenius. That’s a hold-up for a lot of buyers.
Toyota can probably make money selling RAV4 Hybrids for $32k.
Honda is probably, at best, breaking even buying Prologues from GM and selling…
Sounds like the dealerships need to explore some civil action against the parents. No idea what that could be, but a lawyer could figure it out.
It’s nice that he has a hobby, but loading up on candy and ice cream really isn’t that good for him. obviously he isn’t getting fed enough at home.
Um...parents?? or are they busy posting themselves on IG in rented cars holding empty bottles of expensive booze / Posting incessantly about the old person to ever run for president who is slurring his words and sounding demented.
Where the hell are his parents, and why isn’t he in school/at home under lockdown?
What are the parents doing? Then again, if the parents are arrested, this kid will go in to the foster system and continue to commit crimes. If he stays with his parents, he’ll continue to commit crimes without the baggage of being a foster child. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Next time, amend state laws so…
I’d suggest going after the parents but I suspect that might not be effective.
Reintroduce punishment.
I remember an episode of COPS where they weren’t even allowed to use their cars to block a car from leaving a parking lot.
Newer policies have the cops pretty much neutered. I can’t speak to the cases of car takeovers, as you’d think they’d be able to blockade around these things if they had caught wind of it in advance, and arrest everyone involved (maybe I’m naive, there).
But I have family that are cops in Nashville, and they have a…
Welp, call in an air strike.
right like at some point some one in law enforcement has to have gotten into some social media group where this stuff is talked about.
I am the farthest thing from “acab”, but where the FUCK are the cops when this is happening? I’ve been to LA and Oakland, there seem to be cops everywhere until this nonsense is going down. Block the streets and arrest them ALL.
It does partially (or maybe completely) explain the lack of an eBeetle - which to me seemed like an obvious step.
From the June 5th, 2023 town council meeting minutes:
No police report, no lawsuit until now, nothing except claiming he’s been harassed for the title and bill of sale.
Both of them: