
I like maintaining a certain speed on the highway, and am aware enough of the traffic around me that I don’t need the car to slow me down when I get within 100 feet or so of another vehicle. I guess it’s a matter of control, maybe?

I absolutely HATE adaptive cruise control. If there was a way to shut it off and just use “regular” I’d do it, but as far as I can tell (2024 K5) it’s either that steaming pile or nothing. 

Last couple of WEEKS? Good grief, this only happened to me yesterday. I applaud your patience! had a BED??

A quarter?? Look at Richie Rich over here! Back in MY day we were happy with squished PENNIES!! 

My first car- a 1978 Oldsmobile ‘98- was like driving a couch around town. Couldn’t beat it. 

Right?? Good lord, this is the “adult” version of some kid smashing his video game controller after he loses. 


Well, fuck. 

To cover the smell of somebody else who’s just used the same car? 

Seriously. Talk about an opportunity missed. 


Fair enough!

You think ol’ Joe has any self awareness at this point?

Hot DAMN!!

Now THERE’S a social media post I’d be interested in watching!

I saw it headed south on Baumhart Rd, just south of the turnpike, if that helps!

I saw one of these in the wild last week west of Cleveland, OH- they’re even more stupid looking in real life. 

Right?? It’s always nice when they label themselves so we know to avoid them.

Absolutely 100% true IMHO