This was an excellent bit.
This was an excellent bit.
I HATE the adaptive cruise on my 2024 K5. And there’s no way to turn it off so I can just get “dumb” cruise, either.
THANK YOU- I was wondering where all this “guide” stuff was coming from.
Oh yeah! The best boss intro ever!!
To be fair, MI borders OH right where Toledo hits. And Toledo drivers are, by far and large, some of the WORST drivers I’ve ever encountered.
Blue steel!
COTD right here!
I can literally HEAR this gif.
Good grief, I had to leave a couple of 40k groups I followed because so many of them were thumping their chests about how great it was to be gatekeepers. Just pathetic.
Right?? I’ve never understood the obsession with the original movie.
...........fuck I’m old
+2 Hembecks
Yes! I’m glad somebody else mentioned the music- the score when the guy with the box of toys finds it in the phone booth always makes me tear up!!
I still get chills when I think of the smoke bubble scene!
Now I’ve got THAT SONG going through my head! Well done!
Nope, we went to “only colors” last week with no explanation. I’m just glad the comments are back- they were gone for most of yesterday!
I sometimes jump into the cesspool that’s Fox News comments (I know, glutton for punishment) and I’ve actually witnessed a commenter describing the Orange Shitstain as “erudite.”
Watts miscarried in late September while using the restroom in her home, then flushed the fetal remains down her toilet. The nurse called the police when she came to the hospital bleeding and said she was no longer pregnant. This prompted police to visit Watts’ house days later, recover the fetal remains,
Agreed. We’ve had 4 Kias in my family now- my wife had a Soul, which didn’t handle well in the snow, so we got her a 2017 Sportage and she LOVES it. Wouldn’t trade it for the world, and it’s been reliable as hell.
He was pretty funny in Game Night!