You won’t take me alive, guy!
I just offloaded my 2014 Kia Optima SXL with 265,000 miles on it. Started out with 14k miles in 2016. 95% highway driving, but still... the guys at the oil change place would regularly come out to see who was driving this thing, and everyone laughed because no one had ever heard of a Kia lasting so long!
5 minutes?
THIS. Good grief, this should be the top comment.
I was for Liz, too. As for Biden? He’s not Trump. That’s good enough for me, at least this time round.
I’m so, so sorry.
This should be the #1 comment.
That “soul red” is just riveting, though!!
That CX-50 in red is just <chef’s kiss>
Right? I graduated in 1988, and am most definitely NOT a Nazi.
Same here- I’ve learned a great deal from this site, and am really happy to have it back!!
I’m stealing “magic book of fables,” thx
Right?? One small hole in my life has been filled, at least!!!
Shhhhh.... just let them fight. We can sit back and eat popcorn at ringside.
Oh, how I’ve missed this website!!! Cheers!
And that little “toot” button is like training wheels for horns.